EU — Deutschland — Deutsche Marine

Navy struc­ture

Deutsche Marinestruktur(Bildquelle: Deutsche Marine)

Fed­er­al Min­istry of Defense — Naval Staff

The fol­low­ing two major com­mands are assigned to the Fed­er­al Min­istry of Defense and to the Naval Staff:

Fleet Com­mandNaval Office
The Fleet Com­mand has com­mand over the naval forces and naval air assets, the sup­port units afloat and some shore-based units. The CINCGERFLEET com­mands the naval and naval air forces from his Glücks­burg-based mar­itime head­quar­ters.
The Direc­tor Oper­a­tions advis­es him on issues relat­ing to oper­a­tional plan­ning and imple­ments his deci­sions.
The Sur­geon Gen­er­al of the Navy pro­vides advice on all med­ical issues. He exer­cis­es tech­ni­cal con­trol over the Navy Med­ical Ser­vice and com­mands the Naval Med­ical Institute. 
The Naval 0ffice is a major com­mand of the Ger­man Navy. It is respon­si­ble for the train­ing of per­son­nel, the sup­ply of naval sea and air units as well as for main­tain­ing and upgrad­ing their capa­bil­i­ties. It also iden­ti­fies and mon­i­tors the mil­i­tary and tech­ni­cal require­ments to be met when build­ing new ves­sels. Owing to this large num­ber of tasks, the Naval Office is orga­nized into a num­ber of divi­sions. The office exer­cis­es com­mand and con­trol over the naval schools, the naval bases, the Naval Com­mand and Con­trol Sys­tems Com­mand and the Naval Ser­vice Test Com­mand.
The sail train­ing ves­sel GORCH FOCK reports to the Naval Acad­e­my in Flensburg-Mürwik. 

Area of author­i­ty Fleet Com­mand

Fleet Com­mand

The fol­low­ing mil­i­tary for­ma­tions and units are assigned to the Fleet Command:

Flotil­la 1 Flotil­la 2
  • 1st Corvette Squadron 

  • 7th Fast Patrol Boat Squadron 

  • 1st Sub­ma­rine Squadron 

  • Sub­ma­rine Train­ing Center 

  • 3rd Minesweep­ing Squadron 

  • 5th Minesweep­ing Squadron 

  • Naval Spe­cial­ized Forces 

  • Naval Pro­tec­tion Forces

  • 2nd Frigate Squadron 

  • 4th Frigate Squadron 

  • Aux­il­iaries Squadron 

Naval Air Wing 3
Naval Air Wing 5Naval Med­ical Insti­tute
The Naval Air Arm oper­ates either inde­pen­dent­ly or in dose coop­er­a­tiori with the ships and boats of the Navy. lt is an impor­tant asset in com­bined naval war­fare. The Fleet Com­mand has direct com­mand over two wings. NavalAir Wing 3 GRAF ZEPPELIN in Nord­holz and Naval Air Wing 5 in Kiel. 
Togeth­er with oth­er agen­cies of the Bun­deswehr the Insti­tute Joint Med­ical Ser­vice is sit­u­at­ed on the Bun­deswehr premis­es in Kro­n­sha­gen, a com­mu­ni­ty near the city of Kiel.
In its capac­i­ty as the Navy‘s cen­tral med­ical facil­i­ty, the insti­tute is the “alma mater“ of all med­ical ser­vice offi­cers of the Navy. lt ren­ders spe­cif­ic ser­vices to the fleet in par­tic­u­lar and to the Navy as a whole. In the field of div­ing med­i­cine it also pro­vides ser­vices for the entire Bun­deswehr.
In close coop­er­a­tion with civil­ian and mil­i­tary agen­cies at home and abroad, the insti­tute points the way in the field of naval medl­cine as well as div­ing and hyper­bar­ic med­i­cine. These fields also con­sti­tute the main fields of research and train­ing.
A total of 71 per­son­nel, includ­ing 57 sol­diers, work in inter­dis­ci­pli­nary teams and, among oth­er things, use a high­ly mod­ern hyper­bar­ic cham­ber sys­tem, spe­cial diag­nos­tic equip­ment, facil­i­ties for telemed­i­cine and a sick bay team train­er. The insti­tute pro­vides a 24-hour emer­gency ser­vice in the fields of div­ing and hyper­bar­ic med­i­cine, telemed­i­cine and cri­sis inter­ven­tion through organ­ic navy psychologists.

Area of author­i­ty

Naval Office

The fol­low­ing facil­i­ties are assigned to the Naval Office:

Naval Acad­e­my Mür­wik Naval Base Com­mands
Pet­ty Offi­cer School Naval Com­mands and Con­trol Sys­tems Com­mand
Naval Oper­a­tions School Naval Ser­vice Test Com­mand
School of Naval Engi­neer­ing

Source: Ger­man Navy

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