USAUSS Abraham Lincoln Strike Group to Deploy

EVERETT, Wash. (NNS) — Three ships of Car­ri­er Strike Group (CSG) 9 — USS Abra­ham Lin­coln (CVN 72), USS Mom­sen (DDG 92), and USS Shoup (DDG 86) — will get under­way Sept. 7 from Naval Sta­tion Everett for a sched­uled rou­tine deploy­ment to the 7th and 5th Fleet Areas of Respon­si­bil­i­ty.

USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72)
USS Abra­ham Lin­coln (CVN 72)
Offi­cial U.S. Navy file pho­to.
Click to enlarge

The mis­sion of the Lin­coln Strike Group while deployed will focus on mar­itime secu­ri­ty oper­a­tions and the­ater secu­ri­ty coop­er­a­tion efforts, which help estab­lish con­di­tions for region­al stability. 

“Secu­ri­ty and sta­bil­i­ty lead to peace and pros­per­i­ty. Lin­coln Strike Group is ready to deploy world­wide as a force for peace in sup­port of our nation’s glob­al inter­ests,” said Rear Adm. Mark D. Guadagni­ni, com­man­der Lin­coln Strike Group. 

The deploy­ment is part of an ongo­ing rota­tion of for­ward-deployed forces to sup­port mar­itime secu­ri­ty oper­a­tions and oper­at­ing in inter­na­tion­al waters around the globe, work­ing with oth­er coali­tion mar­itime forces. 

“There are 5,000 men and women on this ship that are excit­ed, pre­pared and deter­mined to make a dif­fer­ence in the world. We’re ready,” said Capt. John D. Alexan­der, Com­mand­ing Offi­cer, USS Abra­ham Lincoln. 

Car­ri­er Strike Group (CSG) 9 con­sists of flag­ship USS Abra­ham Lin­coln, embarked Car­ri­er Air Wing 2, San Diego-based guid­ed-mis­sile cruis­er USS Cape St. George (CG 71), and the embarked Destroy­er Squadron (DESRON) 9, which includes the Everett-based destroy­ers Mom­sen and Shoup, as well as the San Diego-based destroy­ers USS Halsey (DDG 97) and USS Sterett (DDG 104), which will get under­way from Naval Base San Diego in the near future. 


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