USAUS Military contracts for FY12


Lock­heed Mar­tin-Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems & Glob­al Ser­vices, Col­orado Springs, Colo., is being award­ed a $78,200,000 cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-plus-incen­tive-fee, firm-fixed-price, and cost-reim­burse­ment con­tract for the Shared Ear­ly Warn­ing Sys­tem Pro­gram, which pro­vides near real-time mis­sile event infor­ma­tion to part­ner nations as agreed upon through exist­ing or new­ly nego­ti­at­ed bilat­er­al agree­ments , and pro­vides sit­u­a­tion­al aware­ness infor­ma­tion to U.S. the­ater com­bat­ant com­man­der head­quar­ters. The loca­tion of the per­for­mance is Col­orado Springs, Colo. Work is to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2016. ESC/HSIK, Peter­son Air Force Base, Colo., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8722-12-D-0003, TOs 0001–0011).

Chugach Man­age­ment Ser­vices, J.V., Anchor­age, Alas­ka, is being award­ed a $37,378,554 firm-fixed-price with cost-reim­bursable con­tract line item num­bers con­tract for civ­il engi­neer­ing man­age­ment ser­vices. The loca­tion of the per­for­mance is Kirt­land Air Force Base, N.M. Work is to be com­plet­ed by Sept. 30, 2013. AFNWC/PKOC, Albu­querque, N.M., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA9401-12-C-0006).

Depart­ment of Assis­tive and Reha­bil­i­ta­tive Ser­vices, Austin, Texas, is being award­ed an $11,200,000 firm-fixed-price and require­ments con­tract to pro­vide full food ser­vices to 14 din­ing facil­i­ties locat­ed at Lack­land Air Force Base, the Train­ing Annex, and Camp Bul­lies in San Anto­nio, Texas. This con­tract pro­vides for approx­i­mate­ly 8,400,000 meals annu­al­ly for all trainees. This action will be award­ed as a new, fol­low-on con­tract with a six-month base peri­od and on six-month option peri­od. The loca­tion of the per­for­mance is Lack­land Air Force Base, Texas. Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by April 1, 2012. 802d Con­tract­ing Squadron, Lack­land Air Force Base, Texas, is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA3047-12-D-0008).

Spec­tro­lab, Inc., Syl­mar, Calif., is being award­ed an $8,293,046 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract to improve the man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­cess­ing capa­bil­i­ties and space qual­i­fy state of the art solar cells (>33 effi­cien­cy). The pro­duc­ti­za­tion and qual­i­fi­ca­tion of high effi­cien­cy, flex­i­ble or rigid, mul­ti-junc­tion space solar cells will improve crit­i­cal per­for­mance, mass and vol­ume bud­gets for war-fight-spe­cif­ic satel­lite pay­loads. The loca­tion of the per­for­mance is Syl­mar, Calif. Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed Dec. 18, 2028. AFRL/PKMT, Wright Pat­ter­son Air Force Base, Ohio, is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8650-12-C-5501).


Northrup Grum­man Sys­tems Corp., Elec­tron­ic Sys­tems Sec­tor, Land and Self Pro­tec­tion Sys­tems Divi­sion, Rolling Mead­ows, Ill., is being award­ed an unde­fin­i­tized con­tract action with an esti­mat­ed val­ue of $25,500,000 to pro­cure 110 sen­sors, 200 upgrad­ed proces­sors, and asso­ci­at­ed tech­ni­cal data in sup­port of the Advanced Threat Warn­ing Sys­tem, a sub­sys­tem of the Large Air­craft Infrared Coun­ter­mea­sures Sys­tem. Work will be per­formed in Rolling Mead­ows, Ill., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in March 2015. Con­tract funds in the amount of $10,980,000 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured pur­suant to FAR 6.302–1. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00019-12-C-0074).

Advance Engi­neer­ing & Sci­ences, Annapo­lis Junc­tion, Md., is being award­ed a $25,292,042 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (N00174-11-D-0002) for con­tin­ued pro­cure­ment of post-pro­duc­tion main­te­nance sup­port of counter radio-con­trolled impro­vised explo­sive device fixed-site sys­tems and pro­cure­ment and sup­port of the trans­mit­ting set, coun­ter­mea­sure AN/PLT‑4 sys­tems. Work will be per­formed in Boals­burg, Pa., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by March 2013. Con­tract funds in the amount of $45,000 will be pro­vid­ed at time of con­tract award and will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Sur­face War­fare Cen­ter, Indi­an Head Divi­sion, Indi­an Head, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Armor­Works Enter­prise, L.L.C.*, Chan­dler, Ariz. (N62583-10-D-0323); South­ern Cal­i­for­nia Gold Prod­ucts, Inc.*, Oxnard, Calif. (N62583-10-D-0346); and Amer­i­can Defense Sys­tems, Inc.*, Hicksville, N.Y. (N62583-10-D-0347), are being award­ed option year two under a firm-fixed-price mul­ti­ple award con­tract for armor solu­tions designed for civ­il engi­neer sup­port equip­ment in sup­port of the Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Ser­vice Cen­ter, Port Huen­eme. The com­bined total val­ue for all three con­trac­tors is $10,000,000. No funds will be oblig­at­ed with this award. The total con­tract amount after exer­cise of this option will be $30,000,000. No task orders are being issued at this time. All work will be per­formed at var­i­ous con­trac­tor sites with­in the con­ti­nen­tal Unit­ed States, and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed March 2013. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, Spe­cial­ty Cen­ter Acqui­si­tions, Port Huen­eme, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Bell-Boe­ing Joint Project Office, Amar­il­lo, Texas, is being award­ed a $9,000,000 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to the pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed V‑22 Lot 17 advance acqui­si­tion con­tract (N00019-12-C-2001) to pro­vide addi­tion­al fund­ing for long lead com­po­nents required for the man­u­fac­ture and deliv­ery of four, fis­cal 2013 Lot 17 CV-22 tiltro­tor air­craft for the Air Force. Work will be per­formed in Rid­ley Park, Pa. (50 per­cent), Forth Worth, Texas (25 per­cent), and Amar­il­lo, Texas (25 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Decem­ber 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 


Avox Sys­tems, Lan­cast­er, N.Y., was award­ed a fixed-price with eco­nom­ic price adjust­ment, sole-source con­tract with a max­i­mum $20,000,000 for breath­ing appa­ra­tus­es. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vices are Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. There was one response to the Web pro­pos­al. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2012 through 2014 Defense Work­ing Cap­i­tal Funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is March 26, 2014. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Troop Sup­port, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SPM8EG-12-D-0006).

Jianas Broth­ers Pack­ag­ing Co.*, Kansas City, Mo., was award­ed a firm-fixed-price con­tract with a max­i­mum $7,288,420 for var­i­ous fla­vors of instant juice pouch­es. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vices are Marine Corps and Army. There were two respons­es to the Web pro­pos­al. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2012 Defense Work­ing Cap­i­tal Funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is March 27, 2014. Defense Logis­tics Agency Avi­a­tion, Rich­mond, Va., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SPM3S1-12-D-Z198).

*Small business 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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