USAUS Military contracts for FY10


The Boe­ing Co., St. Louis, Mo., is being award­ed a $5,297,000,000 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to con­vert the pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed advance acqui­si­tion con­tract (N00019-09-C-0019) to a fixed-price-incen­tive-fee mul­ti-year con­tract. In addi­tion, this mod­i­fi­ca­tion pro­vides for the pro­cure­ment of 46 F/A‑18E, 20 F/A‑18F, and 58 EA-18G air­frames for the Navy. Work will be per­formed in St. Louis, Mo. (45.2 per­cent); El Segun­do, Calif. (44.6 per­cent); Hazel­wood, Mo. (3.4 per­cent); Cleve­land, Ohio (1.7 per­cent); Tor­rance, Calif. (1.4 per­cent); Van­dalia, Ohio (1 per­cent); Ajax, Cana­da (1 per­cent); Irvine, Calif. (0.7 per­cent); John­son City, N.Y. (0.5 per­cent); and Grand Rapids, Mich. (0.5 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in May 2015. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

The McDon­nell Dou­glas Corp., St. Louis, Mo., is being award­ed $249,000,000 for deliv­ery order #0010 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed firm-fixed-price, cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract (N00383-06-D-001J) for logis­tics sup­port and asso­ci­at­ed mate­ri­als for the F/A‑18E/F air­craft. Work will be per­formed in St Louis, Mo., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire before the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This effort com­bines pur­chas­es for the Navy (99 per­cent) and the gov­ern­ment of Aus­tralia (1 per­cent) under the For­eign Mil­i­tary Sales pro­gram. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly award­ed. The Naval Inven­to­ry Con­trol Point, Philadel­phia, Pa., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

CDM-Filanc, JV, Carls­bad, Calif., is being award­ed a $163,518,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for design and con­struc­tion of the South Region­al Ter­tiary Treat­ment Plant expan­sion, includ­ing option #0001 for the North Region­al Ter­tiary Treat­ment Plant, at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendle­ton. Option #0001 is incre­men­tal­ly fund­ed with the first incre­ment of $97,000,000 being allo­cat­ed at the time of award. The sec­ond incre­ment will be fund­ed in fis­cal 2011 at $23,972,000. The con­tract also con­tains ten options, six award term options, and one planned mod­i­fi­ca­tion which, if exer­cised, would increase cumu­la­tive con­tract val­ue to $198,791,500. Work will be per­formed in Ocean­side, Calif., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Octo­ber 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Navy Elec­tron­ic Com­merce Online web­site, with six pro­pos­als received. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, South­west, San Diego, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N62473-10-C-5011).

Web­cor and R.A. Burch, JV, Ramona, Calif., is being award­ed a $124,300,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the design and con­struc­tion of mul­ti­ple oper­a­tional and com­mu­ni­ty facil­i­ties for the 1st Recon­nais­sance Bat­tal­ion and the 1st Air Naval Gun­fire Liai­son Com­pa­ny (ANGLICO), includ­ing a 200-room bach­e­lor enlist­ed quar­ters at Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendle­ton. The new Recon­nais­sance Bat­tal­ion and ANGLICO com­plex­es will pro­vide the facil­i­ties need­ed to train the Marines, store their gear, and main­tain their equip­ment, which max­i­mizes home sta­tion dwell time and eas­es the strain to the Marines work­ing to accom­plish the mis­sion. The con­tract also con­tains three planned mod­i­fi­ca­tions which, if issued, would increase cumu­la­tive con­tract val­ue to $142,100,000. Work will be per­formed in Ocean­side, Calif., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Jan­u­ary 2013. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Navy Elec­tron­ic Com­merce Online web­site, with 22 pro­pos­als received. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, South­west, San Diego, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N62473-10-C-5005).

URS Group, Inc., San Anto­nio, Texas, is being award­ed $103,362,638 for firm-fixed award fee price Task Order FZN0 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N62742-09-D-1174) for design and con­struc­tion of com­mu­ni­ca­tions upgrades and elec­tri­cal dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendle­ton. The task order also con­tains nine unex­er­cised option items which, if exer­cised, would increase cumu­la­tive task order val­ue to $116,137,800. Work will be per­formed in Ocean­side, Calif., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Octo­ber 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Four pro­pos­als were received for this task order. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, South­west, San Diego, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

BAE Sys­tems Tech­nol­o­gy Solu­tions and Ser­vices, Rockville, Md., is being award­ed an $89,000,000 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract (N00421-06-D-0038) to exer­cise an option for engi­neer­ing, ana­lyt­i­cal and man­u­fac­tur­ing ser­vices to sup­port var­i­ous aging air­craft. Work will be per­formed in var­i­ous loca­tions through­out the Unit­ed States (80 per­cent) and Rockville, Md. (20 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Straub Mar­tin Har­ris, JV, Fall­brook, Calif., is being award­ed a $79,777,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract for design and con­struc­tion of two Bach­e­lor Enlist­ed Quar­ters (BEQ) and one din­ing facil­i­ty at Marine Corps Air Ground Com­bat Cen­ter Twen­ty­nine Palms. The BEQs will house a total of 1,152 Marines in the stan­dard two plus zero con­fig­u­ra­tion and will include a mul­ti­pur­pose com­mu­ni­ty area and laun­dry facil­i­ties. The din­ing facil­i­ty will be able to seat 445 patrons. The con­tract also con­tains one unex­er­cised option and four planned mod­i­fi­ca­tions which, if exer­cised, would increase cumu­la­tive con­tract val­ue to $135,882,638. Work will be per­formed in San Bernardi­no, Calif., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Octo­ber 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Navy Elec­tron­ic Com­merce Online web­site, with 22 pro­pos­als received. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, South­west, San Diego, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N62473-10-C-5007).

The Manu Kai, LLC, Hon­olu­lu, Hawaii, is being award­ed a $70,794,653 mod­i­fi­ca­tion (P00016) under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed fixed-price, indef­i­nite-quan­ti­ty, cost-plus-award-fee con­tract (N00604-09-D-0001) for range oper­a­tions sup­port and base oper­a­tions sup­port ser­vices. Work will be per­formed in Kauai, Hawaii, and work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire before the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly award­ed through the Navy Elec­tron­ic Com­merce Online and Fed­er­al Busi­ness Oppor­tu­ni­ties web­sites, with four offers received. The Fleet and Indus­tri­al Sup­ply Cen­ter, Pearl Har­bor, Hawaii, is the con­tract­ing activity. 

L‑3 Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Maripro, Inc., Gole­ta, Calif., is being award­ed a $60,225,615 cost-plus-fixed fee, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite quan­ti­ty con­tract for sys­tem test­ing, repair and mod­i­fi­ca­tion engi­neer­ing ser­vices in sup­port of Depart­ment of Defense under­wa­ter ranges. In order to restore and/or main­tain the ranges at full oper­at­ing capa­bil­i­ty, the con­trac­tor will per­form sys­tem engi­neer­ing, soft­ware updates and improve­ments, per­for­mance ver­i­fi­ca­tion test­ing, fab­ri­ca­tion or range com­po­nents, sub­sys­tems, and sys­tems, field instal­la­tion, and test and eval­u­a­tion oper­a­tional sup­port. The task­ing involves trou­ble shoot­ing fail­ures in installed equip­ment and sys­tems and instal­la­tion of repair and replace­ment solu­tions. Work will be per­formed in Gole­ta, Calif., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2015. Con­tract funds will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Con­tract funds in the amount of $437,245 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. The Naval Under­sea War­fare Cen­ter, New­port, R.I., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N66604-10-D-2153).

V.T. Grif­fin Ser­vices, Inc., Alpharet­ta, Ga., is being award­ed $49,973,097 mod­i­fi­ca­tion under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed firm-fixed-price, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract (N69272-00-D-3170) to exer­cise option #9 for base oper­at­ing ser­vices at Naval Sub­ma­rine Base Kings Bay. The work to be per­formed pro­vides for a full range of base oper­a­tions and main­te­nance to include secu­ri­ty, fire pro­tec­tion, jan­i­to­r­i­al refuse dis­pos­al, grounds main­te­nance, emer­gency med­ical ser­vices, util­i­ties and tele­phone sys­tem oper­a­tion and main­te­nance, facil­i­ty main­te­nance, vehi­cle main­te­nance, social ser­vices coun­sel­ing, haz­ardous mate­r­i­al track­ing and waste col­lec­tion and dis­pos­al. The total con­tract amount after exer­cise of this option will be $680,553,576. Work will be per­formed in Kings Bay, Ga., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2011. Con­tract funds will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, South­east, Jack­sonville, Fla., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

L‑3 Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Corp., Elec­tro-Opti­cal Sys­tems, Gar­land, Texas, is being award­ed a $48,750,000 firm-fixed-price, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract for a clip-on night vision device, image inten­si­fi­ca­tion in sup­port of the U.S. Spe­cial Oper­a­tions Com­mand weapons acces­sories pro­gram, being pro­cured to pro­vide U.S. Spe­cial Oper­a­tions Com­mand oper­a­tors with a ruggedi­zed sight that per­mits night vision capa­bil­i­ty with­out the need to remove the day optic sight. Work will be per­formed in Gar­land, Texas, and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2015. Con­tract funds in the amount of $100,000 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. The Naval Sur­face War­fare Cen­ter, Crane Divi­sion, Crane, Ind., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00164-10-D-JN69).

Insight Tech­nol­o­gy, Inc., Lon­don­der­ry, N.H., is being award­ed a $31,411,960 firm-fixed-price, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract for the crew served heavy weapon aim­ing laser, uti­lized to enhance the oper­a­tion of the .50 cal­iber machine gun. Work will be per­formed in Lon­don­der­ry, N.H., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2015. Con­tract funds in the amount of $441,000 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Fed­er­al Busi­ness Oppor­tu­ni­ties web­site, with five offers received. Naval Sur­face War­fare Cen­ter, Crane Divi­sion, Crane, Ind., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00164-10-D-JN57).

AAI Corp., Hunt Val­ley, Md., is being award­ed $30,325,941 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract for Army research and devel­op­ment efforts asso­ci­at­ed with elec­tro-opti­cal, radio-fre­quen­cy, and acoustic sen­sors, as well as unmanned aer­i­al vehi­cles tech­nolo­gies. Work will be per­formed in Hunt Val­ley, Md., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2015. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via a broad agency announce­ment. The Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Divi­sion, Lake­hurst, N.J., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N68335-10-C-0058).

AGVIQ Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices*, Vir­ginia Beach, Va. (N40085-10-D-9407); H&S Envi­ron­men­tal, Inc.*, West­bor­ough, Mass. (N40085-10-D-9408); PARS Envi­ron­men­tal Ser­vices*, Rob­binsville, N.J. (N40085-10-D-9409); Sov­er­eign Con­sult­ing, Inc.*, Rob­binsville, N.J. (N40085-10-D-9410); and Water­mark Envi­ron­men­tal, Inc.*, Low­ell, Mass. (N40085-10-D-9411), are each being award­ed an indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty reme­di­al action operations/long term man­age­ment, mul­ti­ple award for envi­ron­men­tal projects locat­ed pri­mar­i­ly in the New Eng­land area. How­ev­er, work may also be added and per­formed any­where with­in the Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, mid-Atlantic area of respon­si­bil­i­ty (AOR). The max­i­mum dol­lar val­ue, includ­ing the base peri­od and four option years, for all five con­tracts com­bined is $30,000,000. Water­mark Envi­ron­men­tal, Inc., is being award­ed task order #0001 at $276,817 for treat­ment plan oper­a­tion and main­te­nance, mon­i­tor­ing and inspec­tions at Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter, Tren­ton, N.J. Work for this task order is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2011. All work on this con­tract will be per­formed pri­mar­i­ly with­in the New Eng­land and NAVFAC mid-Atlantic AOR includ­ing Maine (20 per­cent), Rhode Island (20 per­cent), Con­necti­cut (15 per­cent), New Jer­sey (10 per­cent), Penn­syl­va­nia (10 per­cent), New York (10 per­cent), Mass­a­chu­setts (5 per­cent), New Hamp­shire (5 per­cent), Ver­mont (2 per­cent), and Delaware (2 per­cent). Work may also be per­formed in the remain­der of the Unit­ed States (1 per­cent). The term of the con­tract is not to exceed 60 months, with an expect­ed com­ple­tion date of Sep­tem­ber 2015. Con­tract funds for task order #0001 will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured as an 8(a) set-aside via the Navy Elec­tron­ic Com­merce Online web­site, with eight pro­pos­als received. These five con­trac­tors may com­pete for task orders under the terms and con­di­tions of the award­ed con­tract. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, Mid-Atlantic, North­east, Inte­grat­ed Project Team, Nor­folk, Va., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Northrop Grum­man Sys­tems Corp., Beth­page, N.Y., is being award­ed a $28,846,948 mod­i­fi­ca­tion under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (N00024-06-C-6311) to pro­vide engi­neer­ing and pro­duc­tion plan­ning ser­vices for mis­sion pack­ages that will deploy from and inte­grate with the lit­toral com­bat ship (LCS). LCS mis­sion pack­ages will be opti­mized for flex­i­bil­i­ty in the lit­torals. Mis­sion pack­age capa­bil­i­ties are cur­rent­ly focused on pri­ma­ry mis­sion areas of mine war­fare empha­siz­ing mine coun­ter­mea­sures, lit­toral anti-sub­ma­rine war­fare, and lit­toral sur­face war­fare oper­a­tions includ­ing pros­e­cu­tion of small boats. The LCS mis­sion pack­ages are devel­oped and acquired sep­a­rate­ly from the LCS sea frame. Work will be per­formed in Huntsville, Ala. (56 per­cent), and Beth­page, N.Y. (44 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Sea Sys­tems Com­mand, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

The Haskell Co., Jack­sonville, Fla., is being award­ed a $25,127,329 firm-fixed-price con­tract for con­struc­tion of the Marine Corps Infor­ma­tion Oper­a­tions Cen­ter at Marine Corps Base Quan­ti­co. The work to be per­formed pro­vides for design and con­struc­tion of a new admin­is­tra­tive facil­i­ty and ware­house and an addi­tion to Code Talk­er Hall. The facil­i­ty is a new build­ing to pro­vide ade­quate admin­is­tra­tive space to sup­port the Marine Corps Infor­ma­tion Oper­a­tions Cen­ter and an addi­tion to Code Talk­er Hall to sup­port the Marine Corps Net­work Oper­a­tions and Secu­ri­ty Cen­ter. Work will be per­formed in Quan­ti­co, Va., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Octo­ber 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Navy Elec­tron­ic Com­merce Online web­site, with 28 pro­pos­als received. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand Wash­ing­ton, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N40080-10-C-0002).

L‑3 Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Ver­tex Aero­space, LLC, Madi­son, Miss., is being award­ed an $18,530,000 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed indef­i­nite-deliv­ery require­ments con­tract (N00019-05-D-0023) to exer­cise an option for logis­tics sup­port for TH-57B/TH-57C air­craft. Work will be per­formed at Naval Air Sta­tion (NAS) Whit­ing Field, Mil­ton, Fla. (99 per­cent), and NAS Patux­ent Riv­er, Md. (1 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in March 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

The Boe­ing Co., Saint Louis, Mo., is being award­ed a $17,504,322 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract for engi­neer­ing change pro­pos­al #6375, “Oper­a­tional Test Pro­gram Sets Upgrade — Advanced Tar­get­ing For­ward Look­ing Infrared Full Rate Pro­duc­tion Test­ing Capa­bil­i­ty.” Work will be per­formed in St. Louis, Mo., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2012. This mod­i­fi­ca­tion com­bines pur­chas­es for the Navy ($17,036,195; 97 per­cent) and the gov­ern­ment of Aus­tralia ($468,127; 3 per­cent). Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This order was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. The Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Divi­sion, Lake­hurst, N.J., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N68335-10-G-0012).

L‑3 Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Corp., Cam­den, N.J., is being award­ed a max­i­mum $17,219,000 indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract for equip­ment sys­tems, equip­ment upgrades and repairs, and pro­gram man­age­ment for the Tac­ti­cal Remote Sen­sor Sys­tem (TRSS) sys­tem of sys­tems (SoS). The TRSS SoS pro­vides the capa­bil­i­ty for all-weath­er remote mon­i­tor­ing of activ­i­ty with­in and near a giv­en objec­tive area. Work will be per­formed in Cam­den, N.J., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2015. The con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. The Marine Corps Sys­tems Com­mand, Quan­ti­co, Va., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (M67854-10-D-7019).

The John C. Grim­berg Co., Inc., Rockville, Md., is being award­ed $15,505,000 for firm-fixed-price task order#0003 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N40080-10-D-0492) for the ren­o­va­tion of Build­ings 3 and 5 at Nation­al Naval Med­ical Cen­ter Bethes­da. The build­ings are to be exten­sive­ly ren­o­vat­ed with com­plete replace­ment of most inte­ri­or par­ti­tions and all build­ing util­i­ties. The replace­ment of all win­dows and exte­ri­or doors and frames are required. All exte­ri­or build­ing sur­faces are to be cleaned, and repair and refin­ish­ing of spe­cif­ic areas will be nec­es­sary. The work also includes the demo­li­tion of exist­ing inte­ri­or par­ti­tion walls, doors, frames, ceil­ings, light fix­tures, and exist­ing build­ing sys­tems includ­ing plumb­ing fix­tures and pip­ing, elec­tri­cal devices and wiring, tele­com devices and wiring and fire protection/suppression to the point of util­i­ty con­nec­tions. Work will be per­formed in Bethes­da, Md., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2011. Con­tract funds will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Five pro­pos­als were received for this task order. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand Wash­ing­ton, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Ray­don Corp., Day­tona Beach, Fla., is being award­ed a $12,375,000 firm-fixed-priced con­tract to pro­vide com­bined arms vir­tu­al train­er engi­neer­ing and pro­duc­tion for the Army Nation­al Guard. Work will be per­formed in Day­tona Beach, Fla., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2012. Con­tract funds in the amount of $12,375,000 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Fed­er­al Busi­ness Oppor­tu­ni­ties web­site, with one offer received. The Naval Sur­face War­fare Cen­ter, Indi­an Head, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00174-10-C-0061).

The Whit­ing Turn­er Con­tract­ing Co., Bal­ti­more, Md., is being award­ed $12,110,643 for firm-fixed-price task order #0002 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N40080-10-D-0494) for con­struc­tion of a research devel­op­ment test and eval­u­a­tion sup­port facil­i­ty, Phas­es I and II, at Naval Sur­face War­fare Cen­ter, Carde­rock. The work to be per­formed pro­vides for design and con­struc­tion of an admin­is­tra­tive facil­i­ty to accom­mo­date the con­sol­i­da­tion of busi­ness per­son­nel and func­tions of Carde­rock Division’s Oper­a­tions Depart­ment. Work will be per­formed in Carde­rock, Md., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by August 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Five pro­pos­als were received for this task order. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, Wash­ing­ton, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Spar­ton Elec­tron­ics Flori­da, Inc., DeLeon Springs, Fla., is being award­ed an $11,851,072 cost-plus-fixed-fee, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract for research and devel­op­ment and pro­duc­tion engi­neer­ing ser­vices in sup­port of Sonobuoy tech­nol­o­gy upgrades. Work will be per­formed in DeLeon Springs, Fla., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2015. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured pur­suant to FAR 6.302–1. The Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Divi­sion, Patux­ent Riv­er, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00421-10-D-0024).

Earl Indus­tries, LLC, Jack­sonville, Fla., is being award­ed a $10,393,474 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (N40027-10-C-0114) to per­form dry­dock, ship alter­ations, main­te­nance and repair work for USS Dew­ert (FFG 45) dry­dock select­ed restrict­ed avail­abil­i­ty. This mod­i­fi­ca­tion includes dry­dock, hull, machin­ery, elec­tri­cal, elec­tron­ics, ship alter­ations, boil­er, and pip­ing repair work. Exten­sive coor­di­na­tion is required for the dry­dock evo­lu­tion, in addi­tion to the numer­ous sys­tems onboard to be repaired. Work will be per­formed in Jack­sonville, Fla., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Feb­ru­ary 2011. Con­tract funds in the amount of $10,393,474 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The South­east Region­al Main­te­nance Cen­ter, Jack­sonville, Fla., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Com­put­er Sci­ences Corp., Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is being award­ed a $10,270,781 cost-plus-fixed fee con­tract for pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices in sup­port of the Amphibi­ous War­fare Pro­gram Office (PMS 377). Among the ser­vices pro­cured are pro­fes­sion­al pro­gram man­age­ment, logis­tics, finan­cial and gov­ern­ment-fur­nished equip­ment and infor­ma­tion man­age­ment sup­port. This con­tract includes options which, if exer­cised, would bring the cumu­la­tive val­ue of this con­tract to $25,737,565. Work will be per­formed in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. (70.7 per­cent); Burke, Va. (15.1 per­cent); Vir­ginia Beach, Va. (7.2 per­cent); Green­belt, Md. (4.1 per­cent); and Need­ham, Mass. (2.9 per­cent). Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Decem­ber 2010. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. The Naval Sea Sys­tems Com­mand, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00024-10-C-2403).

RMA Land Con­struc­tion, Inc.*, Ana­heim, Calif., is being award­ed $9,790,650 for firm-fixed-price task order #0002 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N62473-09-D-1656) for demo­li­tion and con­sol­i­da­tion of Naval War­fare Cen­ter Weapons Divi­sion build­ings at Point Mugu, Naval Base Ven­tu­ra Coun­ty. The work to be per­formed pro­vides for the con­sol­i­da­tion of cold-war era com­plex­es and facil­i­ties in under­uti­lized and dete­ri­o­rat­ing build­ings into lab com­plex­es of exist­ing vacant spaces. Work will be per­formed in Ven­tu­ra, Calif., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by April 2012. Con­tract funds will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Six pro­pos­als were received for this task order. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, South­west, San Diego, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

BAE Sys­tems Hawaii, Hon­olu­lu, Hawaii, is being award­ed a $9,640,002 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (N00024-06-C-4408) for project man­age­ment over­sight of cruis­er, destroy­er, and frigate main­te­nance and repair. Project man­age­ment over­sight for USS Lake Erie (CG 70); USS Port Roy­al (CG 73); USS Rus­sell (DDG 59); USS Paul Hamil­ton (DDG 60); USS Hop­per (DDG 70); USS O’Kane (DDG 77); USS Chafee (DDG 90); USS Chung Hoon (DDG 93); USS Reuben James (FFG 57); and USS Crom­melin (FFG 37). Work will be per­formed in Pearl Har­bor, Hawaii, and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2011. Con­tract funds in the amount of $9,640,002 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Pearl Har­bor Naval Ship­yard and IMF, Pearl Har­bor, Hawaii, is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Elec­tro Stan­dards Lab­o­ra­to­ries*, Cranston, R.I., is being award­ed a $9,184,292 Phase III Small Busi­ness Inno­va­tion Research (SBIR) cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract for ser­vices and mate­ri­als nec­es­sary to con­duct research under SBIR Top­ic N02-133, “Sen­sor­less Con­trol of Lin­ear Motors,” suf­fi­cient to demon­strate the con­cep­tu­al fea­si­bil­i­ty of the Phase I and II efforts. Work will be per­formed in Cranston, R.I. (70 per­cent), and Lake­hurst, N.J. (30 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2014. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. The Naval Air War­fare Cen­ter Air­craft Divi­sion, Lake­hurst, N.J., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N68335-10-C-0278).

Straub Con­struc­tion, Inc., Fall­brook, Calif., is being award­ed $8,811,687 firm-fixed-price task order #0007 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N62473-08-D-8616) for con­struc­tion of a war­rior phys­i­cal train­ing facility/fitness cen­ter at Naval Air Sta­tion Fal­lon. The train­ing facility/fitness cen­ter includes indoor bas­ket­ball, vol­ley­ball, and rac­quet­ball courts; fit­ness areas, mul­ti­pur­pose activ­i­ty rooms, lock­er rooms, stor­age rooms, recep­tion counter, admin­is­tra­tive offices, and laun­dry room. Built-in equip­ment includes gym­na­si­um equip­ment, bleach­ers, and lock­er room equip­ment. Site improve­ments also include fill, grad­ing, storm water man­age­ment fea­tures, land­scap­ing, side­walks, and park­ing areas. The task order con­tains two unex­er­cised options and one planned mod­i­fi­ca­tion which, if exer­cised, would increase the cumu­la­tive task order val­ue to $10,000,193. Work will be per­formed in Fal­lon, Nev., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by March 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Five pro­pos­als were received for this task order. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, South­west, San Diego, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Hon­ey­well Tech­nol­o­gy Solu­tions, Inc., Jack­sonville, Fla., is being award­ed a not-to-exceed $8,380,130 cost-plus-fixed-fee task order #0038 against a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (M67004-09-D-0020) for Marine Expe­di­tionary Unit Aug­men­ta­tion pro­gram sup­port. Work will be per­formed in Kuwait, and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in Sep­tem­ber 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. U.S. Marine Corps, Blount Island Com­mand, Jack­sonville, Fla., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

AECOM Gov­ern­ment Ser­vices, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, is being award­ed an $8,472,208 task order under pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award sched­ule by the Gen­er­al Ser­vices Admin­is­tra­tion (M67004-10-F-0091) to sup­port the U.S. Marine Corps Dis­tri­b­u­tion Man­age­ment Cen­ter, Stor­age Oper­a­tions at Barstow, Calif. Work will be per­formed in Barstow, Calif., and work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed Sep­tem­ber 2014. Con­tract funds in the amount of $2,121,081 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Gen­er­al Ser­vices Administration’s E‑Buy web­site, with 14 offers received. The Marine Corps Logis­tics Com­mand, Albany, Ga. is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Blue Rock Struc­tures, Inc.*, Pol­locksville, N.C., is being award­ed $7,535,000 for firm-fixed-price task order #0013 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N40085-09-D-5353) for con­struc­tion of a child devel­op­ment cen­ter at Marine Corps Base Camp Leje­une. The work to be per­formed includes the nec­es­sary util­i­ty infra­struc­ture and inci­den­tal relat­ed work. Work will be per­formed in Jack­sonville, N.C., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Jan­u­ary 2012. Funds for this project are pro­vid­ed by the Amer­i­can Recov­ery and Rein­vest­ment Act of 2009. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Six pro­pos­als were received for this task order. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, Mid-Atlantic, Nor­folk, Va., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

The Harp­er Con­struc­tion Co., San Diego, Calif., is being award­ed $7,377,265 for firm-fixed-price task order #0003 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N62473-08-D-8611) for design and con­struc­tion of a con­sol­i­dat­ed park­ing struc­ture at Los Ange­les Air Force Base. The work to be per­formed pro­vides for all labor, mate­ri­als, and equip­ment, trans­porta­tion, super­vi­sion, and inci­den­tal relat­ed work nec­es­sary for design and con­struc­tion of a six sto­ry con­sol­i­dat­ed park­ing struc­ture at Los Ange­les Air Force Base. The new struc­ture will pro­vide 345 park­ing spaces with­in the frame­work of a two-way con­tin­u­ous sin­gle heli­cal park­ing ramp and the use of cable style rail guardrails on the inte­ri­or of the struc­ture. Work will be per­formed in Los Ange­les, Calif., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Octo­ber 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Six pro­pos­als were received for this task order. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, South­west, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Archer West­ern Con­trac­tors, Ltd., Atlanta, Ga., is being award­ed $7,048,451 for firm-fixed-price task order #0004 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N40085-08-D-9739) for design and con­struc­tion of an Emer­gency Ser­vices Cen­ter at the Navy Infor­ma­tion Oper­a­tions Com­mand. The work to be per­formed pro­vides for the design and con­struc­tion of a new fire sta­tion on the site of an exist­ing base­ball field and the ren­o­va­tion of the exist­ing fire sta­tion into a secu­ri­ty cen­ter. The task order also con­tains two unex­er­cised options which, if exer­cised, would increase the cumu­la­tive task order val­ue to $7,236,333. Work will be per­formed in Sug­ar Grove, W.Va., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by April 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Five pro­pos­als were received for this task order. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, Mid-Atlantic, Nor­folk, Va., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

AECOM Gov­ern­ment Ser­vices, Inc., Fort Worth, Texas, is being award­ed a $6,691,518 task order under pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award sched­ule by the Gen­er­al Ser­vices Admin­is­tra­tion (M67004-10-F-0410) to sup­port Marine Corps field lev­el main­te­nance ser­vices at the Marine Corps Logis­tics Base, Albany Ga. Work will be per­formed in Albany, Ga., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed Sep­tem­ber 2014. Con­tract funds in the amount of $1,680,364 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Gen­er­al Ser­vices Administration’s E‑Buy web­site, with 14 offers received. The Marine Corps Logis­tics Com­mand, Albany, Ga. is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Elec­tric Boat Corp., Gro­ton, Conn., is being award­ed a $6,181,527 cost-plus-fixed-fee mod­i­fi­ca­tion to defin­i­tize pre­vi­ous­ly issued basic order­ing agree­ment (N00024-05-G-4417) to sup­port sub­ma­rine repair work at Puget Sound Naval Ship­yard on Los Ange­les-class and Vir­ginia-class sub­marines dur­ing ongo­ing avail­abil­i­ties. This order is for skilled trades­men sup­port to three sub­ma­rine main­te­nance avail­abil­i­ties sched­uled. Ships sched­uled to under­go repairs include the USS Sea­wolf (SSN 21), USS Penn­syl­va­nia (SSBN 735), and USS Michi­gan (SSGN 727). Work will be per­formed in Bre­mer­ton, Wash., and is sched­uled to be com­plet­ed by Novem­ber 2010. This order was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. Con­tract funds in the amount of $6,181,527 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Super­vi­sor of Ship­build­ing, Con­ver­sion and Repair, Gro­ton, Conn., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

FIRST RF Corp.*, Boul­der, Colo., is being award­ed a $5,960,586 firm-fixed-price, indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite quan­ti­ty con­tract for the pro­duc­tion of omni-direc­tion­al, tri-band anten­nas, a com­po­nent of the AN/VLQ(V) 1 com­mu­ni­ca­tions set, in of sup­port of the Navy counter radio con­trolled impro­vised device vehi­cle receiver/jammer pro­gram. These pro­duc­tion anten­nas are designed to counter impro­vised explo­sive devices, are fixed-site, and pro­tect mil­i­tary oper­at­ing bases. This anten­na is required to sup­port on-going oper­a­tions in Iraq and Afghanistan the­atres of oper­a­tion. Work will be per­formed in Boul­der, Colo., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2013. Con­tract funds in the amount of $1,900,000 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured via the Fed­er­al Busi­ness Oppor­tu­ni­ties web­site, with one offer received. Naval Sur­face War­fare Cen­ter, Crane Divi­sion, Crane, Ind., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (N00164-10-D-WQ29).

Elec­tric Boat Corp., Gro­ton, Conn., is being award­ed a $5,536,982 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tion to defin­i­tize pre­vi­ous­ly issued basic order­ing agree­ment (N00024-05-G-4417) to sup­port sub­ma­rine repair work at Portsmouth Naval Ship­yard on Los Ange­les-class sub­marines dur­ing ongo­ing avail­abil­i­ties. This order is for skilled trades­men sup­port to three sub­ma­rine main­te­nance avail­abil­i­ties sched­uled. Ships sched­uled to under­go repairs include the USS Okla­homa City (SSN 723), USS Hele­na (SSN 725), and USS San Juan (SSN 751). Work will be per­formed in Portsmouth, N.H., and is sched­uled to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2010. This order was not com­pet­i­tive­ly pro­cured. Con­tract funds in the amount of $5,536,982 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Super­vi­sor of Ship­build­ing, Con­ver­sion and Repair, Gro­ton, Conn., is the con­tract­ing activity. 


Strate­gic Pro­fes­sion­al Resources, Papil­lion, Neb., was award­ed a $17,390,324 con­tract which will pro­vide U.S. Strate­gic Com­mand with pro­gram man­age­ment, engi­neer­ing and acqui­si­tion sup­port. At this time, no funds have been oblig­at­ed. 55 CONS, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA4600-11-C-0001).

Booz Allen Hamil­ton, Inc., Hern­don, Va., was award­ed a $14,880,785 con­tract which will build a sur­viv­able, inte­grat­ed, and dynam­ic intel­li­gence, sur­veil­lance, recon­nais­sance enter­prise. At this time, $1,700,000 has been oblig­at­ed. 55 CONS/LGCD, Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SP0700-03-D-1380; Deliv­ery Order 402). 

Boe­ing Co., Inte­grat­ed Defense Sys­tems, Wichi­ta, Kan., was award­ed an $11,454,692 con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tion which will pro­vide B‑52 soft­ware updates to expand the offen­sive avion­ics sys­tem oper­a­tional capa­bil­i­ties to cor­rect defi­cien­cies. At this time, the entire amount has been oblig­at­ed. OC-ALC/GKDK, Tin­ker Air Force Base, Okla., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8106-09-D-0001–0008).

Glob­al Ground Sup­port, LLC, Olathe, Kan., was award­ed a $10,233,131 con­tract which will design, test and man­u­fac­ture 4X2 and 4X4 flight tow line trac­tors. At this time, $90,958 has been oblig­at­ed. WR-ALC/GRVKBB, Wright Pat­ter­son Air Force Base, Ohio, is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty. (FA8533-10-D-0008).

Raytheon Mis­sile Sys­tems, Tuc­son, Ariz., was award­ed a $10,223,663 con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tion which will extend the peri­od of per­for­mance of the Advanced Medi­um Range Air-to Air Mis­sile (AMRAAM) air­craft inte­gra­tion sup­port effort through Sept. 30, 2013. At this time, $1,815,268 has been oblig­at­ed. AAC/EBAK (AMRAAM Devel­op­ment Branch), Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8675-08-C-0050; PO0016). 

Lock­heed Mar­tin Space Sys­tems Cen­ter, Sun­ny­vale, Calif., was award­ed an $8,301,983 con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tion which will incor­po­rate both hard­ware and soft­ware mod­i­fi­ca­tions to the exist­ing engi­neer­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing, and devel­op­ment con­tract for the space based infrared sys­tem high com­po­nent. At this time, the entire amount has been oblig­at­ed. ISSW/PKS, El Segun­do, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FO4701-95-C-0017; PO0650). 


Gulf Coast Elec­tric Coop., South­port, Fla., is being award­ed a max­i­mum $117,426,007 firm-fixed-price with prospec­tive price rede­ter­mi­na­tion for a 50-year con­tract peri­od for own­er­ship, oper­a­tion and main­te­nance of the elec­tric and water dis­tri­b­u­tion sys­tem at Tyn­dall Air Force Base, Fla. Oth­er loca­tion of per­for­mance is Tyn­dall Air Force Base, Fla. Using ser­vice is Air Force. There were five respons­es to the solic­i­ta­tion. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Jan­u­ary 2061. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Ener­gy, Fort Belvoir, Va., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SP0600-10-C-8253).

Will­bros Gov­ern­ment Ser­vices, LLC, Tul­sa, Okla., is being award­ed a max­i­mum $27,952,980 firm-fixed-price con­tract for procur­ing fuel receipt, stor­age and issue ser­vices. Oth­er loca­tion of per­for­mance is Camp Pendle­ton, Calif. Using ser­vice is Marine Corps. There were three respons­es to the solic­i­ta­tion. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Oct. 31, 2031. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Ener­gy, Fort Belvoir, Va., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SP0600-10-C-5051).

CFM Inter­na­tion­al, Cincin­nati, Ohio, is being award­ed a max­i­mum $9,132,275 firm-fixed-price con­tract for tur­bine assem­bly. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vice is Air Force. There was orig­i­nal­ly one pro­pos­al solicit­ed with one response. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Feb. 30, 2014. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Avi­a­tion, Tin­ker Air Force Base, Okla., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8104-08-G-0002-UN97).

Walin Tools, LLC*, Fort Wal­ton Beach, Fla., is being award­ed a max­i­mum $7,778,739 firm-fixed-price, sole-source con­tract for tool kits. There are no oth­er loca­tions of per­for­mance. Using ser­vice is Army. There was orig­i­nal­ly one pro­pos­al solicit­ed with one response. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Sept. 28, 2015. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Avi­a­tion, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SPRRA1-10-D-0061).

*Small business 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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