USAUS Military contracts for FY10


Oshkosh Corp., Oshkosh, Wis., was award­ed on May 17 a $72,686,593 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the pro­cure­ment of 1,460 rock­et pro­pelled grenade kits, 45 pre­scribed loads lists and eight depro­cess­ing spares for the Mine Resis­tant Ambush Pro­tect­ed All-Ter­rain Vehi­cles. Work is to be per­formed in Oshkosh, Wis., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of May 31, 2012. Five bids were solicit­ed with five bids received. TACOM, AMSCC-TAC-ADCA, War­ren, Mich., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W56HZV-09-D-0111).

Oshkosh Corp., Oshkosh, Wis., was award­ed on May 17 a $68,914,367 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the pro­cure­ment of 509 explo­sive­ly formed pen­e­tra­tor pro­tec­tion kits and 12 month of a field ser­vice rep­re­sen­ta­tive in the con­ti­nen­tal U.S. for the M‑ATV. Work is to be per­formed in Oshkosh, Wis., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of May 31, 2012. Five bids were solicit­ed with five bids received. TACOM, AMSCC-TAC-ADCA, War­ren, Mich., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W56HZV-09-D-0111).

BAE Sys­tems, Sealy, Texas, was award­ed on May 17 a $37,403,500 firm-fixed-price con­tract for 181 improved cab pro­tec­tion cabs and 181 applique kits for the High Mobil­i­ty Artillery Rock­et Sys­tem. Work is to be per­formed in Sealy, Texas, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of July 31, 2011. One bid was solicit­ed with one bid received. Avi­a­tion and Mis­sile Com­mands Con­tract­ing Com­mand, CCAM-TM‑B, Red­stone Arse­nal., Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W31P4Q-09-C-0623).

GM GDLS Defense Group, LLC, JV, Ster­ling Heights, Mich., was award­ed on May 18 a $30,655,831 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract for logis­tics engi­neer­ing sup­port for the Stryk­er Fam­i­ly of Vehi­cles. Work is to be per­formed in Ster­ling Heights, Mich., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of May 31, 2011. One bid was solicit­ed with one bids received. TACOM Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, CCTA-AI, War­ren, Mich., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W56HZV-07-D-M112).

L‑3 Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, L‑3 Fuz­ing and Ord­nance Sys­tems., Cam­den, N.J., was award­ed on May 17 a $19,132,762 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The pro­posed add-on quan­ti­ty is for the award of 367,971 M935 point det­o­nat­ing fuzes, Nation­al Stock Num­ber 1390–01-268‑9155,part num­ber 9395584, pur­chased at a unit price of $52 each, which is the pro­posed unit price with­out first arti­cle. First arti­cle test is waved since L‑3 Fuz­ing and Ord­nance Sys­tems is the cur­rent pro­duc­er of the M935 fuze. Work is to be per­formed in Cincin­nati, Ohio, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of May 18, 2012. Bids were solicit­ed via the World Wide Web with two bids received. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Rock Island Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Rock Island, Ill., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W52P1J-07-C-0005).

Boe­ing Co., Huntsville, Ala., was award­ed on May 18 a $14,634,116 firm-fixed-price con­tract for 94 explo­sive ord­nance dis­pos­al mini-robots. Work is to be per­formed in Huntsville, Ala., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Feb. 16, 2011. Bids were solicit­ed on the World Wide Web with one bids received. Research, Devel­op­ment and Engi­neer­ing Com­mand Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Aberdeen Prov­ing Ground, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W91CRB-09-D-0023).

Air­borne Sys­tems North Amer­i­ca, San­ta Ana, Calif., was award­ed on May 17 a $12,469,065 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the pro­cure­ment of 3,185 com­plete T‑11 per­son­nel para­chute sys­tems, and 420 T‑11 per­son­nel para­chute sys­tems with­out the reserve assem­bly. Work is to be per­formed in San­ta Ana, Calif., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec 7, 2011. Three bids were solicit­ed with three bids received. U.S. Army Research Devel­op­ment and Engi­neer­ing Com­mand Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Nat­ick Con­tract­ing Divi­sion, Nat­ick, Mass., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W911QY-10-D-0003).

Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, Inc., Need­ham, Mass., was award­ed on May 17 a $12,089,352 firm-fixed-price con­tract for an acqui­si­tion in sup­port of the Instal­la­tion Infor­ma­tion Infra­struc­ture Mod­ern­iza­tion Pro­gram for Fort Car­son, Colo. Work is to be per­formed in Fort Car­son, Colo., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of June 30, 2011. Ten bids were solicit­ed with four bids received. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Nation­al Cap­i­tal Region Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Alexan­dria, Va., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W91QUZ-06-D-0025).

Kip­per Tool Co., Gainesville, Ga., was award­ed on May 17 an $11,723,560 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The small arms shop set pro­vides the nec­es­sary tools to per­form small arms field-lev­el main­te­nance require­ments for heavy machine guns and small cal­iber weapons. The small arms shop set has 164 tools in the set. This con­tract is a one-year require­ments con­tract with two pos­si­ble option years. Work is to be per­formed in Gainesville, Ga., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Jan. 30, 2013. Fif­teen bids were solicit­ed with three bids received. TACOM-Rock Island, CCTA-AR-TB, Rock Island, Ill., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (DAAE20-03-D-0089).

Aerostar Inter­na­tion­al, Sioux Falls, S.D., was award­ed on May 17 an $8,366,440 firm-fixed-price con­tract for the pro­cure­ment of 1,983 com­plete T‑11 per­son­nel para­chute sys­tems, and 280 T‑11 per­son­nel para­chute sys­tems with­out the reserve assem­bly. Work is to be per­formed in Huron, S.D. (80 per­cent), and Madi­son, S.D. (20 per­cent), with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Sept. 8, 2011. Three bids were solicit­ed with three bids received. U.S. Army Research Devel­op­ment and Engi­neer­ing Com­mand Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Nat­ick Con­tract­ing Divi­sion, Nat­ick, Mass., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W911QY-10-D-0002).

McKel­lar Corp., Vir­ginia Beach, Va., was award­ed on May 18 a $7,055,929 firm-fixed-price con­tract to con­struct Com­bined Arms Col­lec­tive Train­ing Facil­i­ty Phase 1B, to include: sev­en new build­ings, guard tow­er, traf­fic cir­cles, new asphalt paving, shan­ty town units, and ceme­tery vaults; as well as ren­o­va­tions of exist­ing build­ings. Work is to be per­formed in But­lerville, Ind., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Apr. 30, 2011. Thir­teen bids were solicit­ed with 13 bids received. Nation­al Guard Bureau, USPFO for Indi­ana, Indi­anapo­lis, Ind., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912L9-10-C-0004).

Eyak Tech­nol­o­gy, LLC, Dulles, Va., was award­ed on May 17 a $5,818,339 firm-fixed-price con­tract. This con­tract will pro­vide mate­ri­als in sup­port of the 550th and 57th Region­al Net­work Oper­a­tions and Secu­ri­ty Cen­ter tech­nol­o­gy refresh, in sup­port of Project Man­ag­er Net­work Ser­vice Cen­ter, Project Direc­tor Defense Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Sys­tems-South­west Asia. This require­ment was com­plet­ed amongst the 16 con­trac­tors under the Rock Island Con­tract­ing Cen­ter South­west Asia telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions blan­ket pur­chase agree­ment. Work is to be per­formed in Kan­da­har Air­field, Afghanistan, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of July 31, 2010. Six­teen bids were solicit­ed with sev­en bids received. Rock Islands Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Rock Island, Ill., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W52P1J-09-A-0021).

ITT Advanced Engi­neer­ing & Sci­ences, Hern­don, Va., was award­ed on May 18 a $5,777,832 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract for com­pet­i­tive strate­gies group ser­vices in sup­port of the Joint Impro­vised Explo­sive Devices Defeat Orga­ni­za­tion. Work is to be per­formed in Arling­ton, Va., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of April 25, 2013. Five bids were solicit­ed with five bids received. Research Devel­op­ment and Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Aberdeen Prov­ing Ground, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W91CRB-09-D-0058).

BAE Sys­tems, Hern­don, Va., was award­ed on May 18 a $6,246,735 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract for strate­gic inter­play explo­ration sys­tems, sim­u­la­tion and sce­nario devel­op­ment in sup­port of the Joint Impro­vised Explo­sive Devices Defeat Orga­ni­za­tion. Work is to be per­formed in Arling­ton, Va., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of May 3, 2013. Six­teen bids were solicit­ed with one bid received. R esearch, Devel­op­ment and Engi­neer­ing Com­mand Con­tract­ing Cen­ter, Aberdeen Prov­ing Ground, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W91QUZ-07-D-0003).


Raytheon Net­work Cen­tric Sys­tems, St. Peters­burg, Fla., is being award­ed a $31,922,634 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (N00024-08-C-5202) for the design agent and engi­neer­ing ser­vices for the Coop­er­a­tive Engage­ment Capa­bil­i­ty (CEC) pro­gram. CEC is a sen­sor net­ting sys­tem that sig­nif­i­cant­ly improves bat­tle force anti-air war­fare capa­bil­i­ty by extract­ing and dis­trib­ut­ing sen­sor-derived infor­ma­tion such that the super­set of this data is avail­able to all par­tic­i­pat­ing CEC units. This mod­i­fi­ca­tion com­bines pur­chas­es for the U.S. Navy (96 per­cent), and the gov­ern­ments of Aus­tralia (3 per­cent) and Cana­da (1 per­cent) under the For­eign Mil­i­tary Sales pro­gram. Work will be per­formed in Largo, Fla. (80 per­cent), St. Peters­burg, Fla. (19 per­cent), and Dal­las, Texas (1 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Sep­tem­ber 2011. Con­tract funds in the amount of $3,014,168 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Sea Sys­tems Com­mand, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Flu­or Inter­con­ti­nen­tal, Inc., Greenville, S.C., was award­ed on May 19 a $13,111,531 mod­i­fi­ca­tion to cost reim­burse­ment task order #0005 under a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed mul­ti­ple award con­struc­tion con­tract (N62470-06-D-6008) for flood recov­ery at Naval Sup­port Activ­i­ty Mid-South. The work to be per­formed pro­vides for flood dam­age clean-up and restora­tion in impact­ed areas of affect­ed build­ings. After award of this mod­i­fi­ca­tion, the total cumu­la­tive task order val­ue will be $14,611,531. Work will be per­formed in Milling­ton, Tenn., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by Feb­ru­ary 2011. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Facil­i­ties Engi­neer­ing Com­mand, Atlantic, Nor­folk, Va., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy, Fair­fax, Va., is being award­ed $10,880,437 for task order #0017 under pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (M67854-09-D-4726) to inte­grate and deliv­er enter­prise IT capa­bil­i­ties through the Marine Corps Enter­prise Infor­ma­tion Tech­nol­o­gy Ser­vices (MCEITS) pro­gram based on a pri­mar­i­ly com­mer­cial off-the-shelf design deliv­ered and accept­ed at the crit­i­cal design review. This task order pro­vides the deliv­ery and inte­gra­tion of the design for the clas­si­fied and unclas­si­fied enclaves with­in the Kansas City Enter­prise IT Cen­ter (EITC) as well as the unclas­si­fied sys­tems inte­gra­tion envi­ron­ment (SIE) in Kansas City. The inte­gra­tion effort shall include the data cen­ter facil­i­ty infra­struc­ture, appli­ca­tion infra­struc­ture, and the ini­tial enter­prise ser­vices to enable the Marine Corps to host pro­duc­tion appli­ca­tions and sys­tems with­in the EITC and sup­port the test­ing, inte­gra­tion, and engi­neer­ing of appli­ca­tions and sys­tems with­in the SIE. Addi­tion­al­ly this task order shall sup­port the ini­tial MCEITS Oper­a­tions Cen­ter capa­bil­i­ty and the ini­tial oper­a­tional capa­bil­i­ty (IOC) test­ing activ­i­ties for the unclas­si­fied EITC and SIE as the pro­gram office pre­pares to achieve IOC and move towards a Mile­stone C deci­sion. Work will be per­formed in Kansas City, Mo. (70 per­cent), Need­ham, Mass. (25 per­cent), and Quan­ti­co, Va. (5 per­cent), and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed in March 2011. Con­tract funds in the amount of $8,023,302 will expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. Marine Corps Sys­tems Com­mand, Quan­ti­co, Va., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Raytheon Co., Tuc­son, Ariz., is being award­ed a $7,216,103 fixed-price incen­tive-fee mod­i­fi­ca­tion to pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract (N00024-09-C-5305) for incor­po­ra­tion of long-lead mate­r­i­al for SM‑6 Block I mis­siles fis­cal 2010 all up rounds pro­duc­tion. Work will be per­formed in Tuc­son, Ariz., and is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed by June 30, 2012. Con­tract funds will not expire at the end of the cur­rent fis­cal year. The Naval Sea Sys­tems Com­mand, Wash­ing­ton Navy Yard, D.C., is the con­tract­ing activity. 


Raytheon Co., Mis­sile Sys­tems, Tuc­son, Ariz., was award­ed an $18,661,244 con­tract which will pro­vide 2,180 Pave­way II and 46 Pave­way III guid­ed bomb con­ver­sion kits. At this time, $18,639,872 has been oblig­at­ed. 784 CBSG/PKB, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8213-10-C-0036).

Northrop Grum­man Sys­tems Corp., Inte­grat­ed Sys­tems Air Com­bat Sys­tems, Redon­do Beach, Calif., was award­ed a $14,338,234 con­tract which will pro­vide for effi­cient lin­earized all-sil­i­con trans­mit­ters inte­grat­ed cir­cuits pro­gram to enable ultra-high pow­er effi­cien­cy, ultra high lin­ear­i­ty, microwave sil­i­con-based trans­mit­ter inte­grat­ed cir­cuits for next gen­er­a­tion radar and com­mu­ni­ca­tions appli­ca­tion. At this time, $14,338,234 has been oblig­at­ed. Det 1 AFRL/PKDB, Wright-Pat­ter­son Air Force Base, Ohio, is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8650-10-C-7027).

The Gyro House, Auburn, Calif., was award­ed a $6,507,187 con­tract which will pro­vide for per­son­nel, equip­ment, tools, mate­ri­als, vehi­cles, super­vi­sion and oth­er items and ser­vices nec­es­sary to per­form civ­il engi­neer tasks and func­tions at Tin­ker Air Force Base, Okla. At this time, no mon­ey has been oblig­at­ed. 448 SCMG/PKBD, Tin­ker Air Force Base, Okla., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8117-10-D-0007).

Skil­s’Kin, Spokane, Wash., was award­ed a $5,649,067 con­tract which will pro­vide mess atten­dant ser­vices for the din­ing facil­i­ty at Malm­strom Air Force Base. At this time, $292,241 has been oblig­at­ed. 341 CONS of Malm­strom Air Force Base, Mont., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA4626-10-C-0017).

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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