USA — Services Meet or Exceed April Recruiting Goals

WASHINGTON, May 17, 2010 — All four ser­vices met or exceed­ed their April recruit­ing goals for their active and reserve com­po­nents, Defense Depart­ment offi­cials report­ed today.

Navy active-duty and reserve num­bers are pre­lim­i­nary, how­ev­er, because flood­ing required Navy Per­son­nel Com­mand offi­cials to take some infor­ma­tion tech­nol­o­gy sys­tems down tem­porar­i­ly, offi­cials said. 

Here are the April active-duty recruit­ing numbers: 

— Army: 6,287 acces­sions with a goal of 6,056 for 104 percent; 

— Navy: 2,618 acces­sions with a goal of 2,618 for 100 percent; 

— Marine Corps: 798 acces­sions with a goal of 795 for 100 per­cent; and 

— Air Force: 2,275 acces­sions with a goal of 2,275 for 100 percent. 

Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force reten­tion are above goals for the first sev­en months of the fis­cal year. Navy reten­tion infor­ma­tion was unavail­able due to the flooding. 

Here are the reserve-com­po­nents’ recruit­ing num­bers for April: 

— Army Nation­al Guard: 6,774 acces­sions with a goal of 5,150 for 132 percent; 

— Army Reserve: 2,191 acces­sions with a goal of 2,070 for 106 percent; 

— Navy Reserve: Acces­sion fig­ures were unavail­able for the goal of 351; 

— Marine Corps Reserve: 705 acces­sions with a goal of 513 for 137 percent; 

— Air Nation­al Guard: 701 acces­sions with a goal of 487 for 144 per­cent; and 

— Air Force Reserve: 829 acces­sions with a goal of 784 for 106 percent. 

Attri­tion in all reserve com­po­nents was with­in accept­able lim­its, offi­cials said. 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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