USA — Resiliency app nears 20,000 downloads

WASHINGTON — The Com­pre­hen­sive Sol­dier Fit­ness Resilien­cy Goals Book released last June as an iPhone/iPad app has seen great suc­cess with more than 7,000 down­loads.

Goal-Set­ting Android App Avail­able
Click to enlarge

Then just a month ago the same app became avail­able to Android users and already more than 11,500 down­loads have been record­ed, said Sam Rhodes at the Direc­torate of Train­ing and Doc­trine, Fort Ben­ning, Ga., who is respon­si­ble for app devel­op­ment, test­ing and revision. 

The app helps users gain resilien­cy by set­ting and meet­ing per­son­al­ized goals. It was spear­head­ed by the Sys­tems Train­ing Branch and the Sig­nal Cen­ter of Excel­lence at Fort Gor­don, Ga. 

As a dig­i­tal, inter­ac­tive ver­sion of the print­ed CSF Resilien­cy Goals Book which was first released in 2010, the app allows Sol­diers, civil­ians, vet­er­ans and fam­i­ly mem­bers to con­nect their Glob­al Assess­ment Tool results to prac­ti­cal exer­cis­es, then email the feed­back to their supervisors. 

The pos­i­tive impact the use of goal set­ting could have on Sol­diers after a deploy­ment is “enor­mous,” added Rhodes, who was diag­nosed with post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­or­der in 2005 after three tours in Iraq. Rhodes, a retired com­mand sergeant major, believes firm­ly that resilien­cy is the key to coun­ter­act­ing the effects of post-trau­mat­ic stress dis­or­der, or PTSD

“The dynam­ics of goal set­ting we learned over the years and taught to our peers,” Rhodes said. “Goal-set­ting is the num­ber one thing that our research has shown enhances an individual’s per­for­mance, whether in play­ing sports, plan­ning for col­lege or Soldiering. 

“The sec­ondary ben­e­fit of that is it takes and increas­es resilience, and that’s the real goal here: to take and ensure we get the most resilient war­riors we can and at the same time take and increase the resilien­cy of our Sol­diers and vet­er­ans who are chal­lenged by some of the things they’ve seen in war,” he added. 

When users down­load the app, they should make sure it’s the right one by look­ing for the CSF logo with the words “goal set­ting” writ­ten in yel­low let­ters on an Army star. The app is free. 

“The Android has lim­i­ta­tions,” Rhodes said, “par­tic­u­lar­ly when it comes to devel­op­ing an app that will work on as many of the devices as pos­si­ble. As a point of ref­er­ence, the app is cur­rent­ly avail­able on 934 dif­fer­ent devices. We will con­tin­ue to revise and update it to make it user friendly.” 

Rhodes said the com­mand is work­ing on the sec­ond ver­sion of the app, which will fea­ture oth­er tools to enhance per­for­mance. He said it should be out by December. 

To down­load the Android app, search the Android mar­ket for FA53

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