USA — Boeing Completes Final Design Review for P‑8I

SEATTLE — Boe­ing [NYSE: BA] on July 16 suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed the final design review (FDR) for P‑8I, India’s long-range mar­itime recon­nais­sance and anti-sub­ma­rine war­fare air­craft. The P‑8I, based on the Boe­ing 737 com­mer­cial air­plane, is a vari­ant of the P‑8A Posei­don that Boe­ing is devel­op­ing for the U.S. Navy.

Com­ple­tion of the FDR locks in the design for the air­craft, radar, com­mu­ni­ca­tions, nav­i­ga­tion, mis­sion com­put­ing, acoustics and sen­sors, as well as the ground and test sup­port equip­ment. It also paves the way for the pro­gram to begin assem­bling the first P‑8I aircraft. 

“For P‑8I, we are incor­po­rat­ing not only India-unique design fea­tures, but also India-built sub­sys­tems, so this agree­ment that the design address­es all cus­tomer require­ments is a huge mile­stone,” said Leland Wight, P‑8I pro­gram man­ag­er for Boe­ing. “It also leads us to the program’s next stage: We are on track to start fab­ri­cat­ing the P‑8I’s empen­nage sec­tion before the end of this year.” 

Dur­ing the five-day FDR held in Ren­ton, Wash., Indi­an Navy offi­cers met with Boe­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tives from Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty and Com­mer­cial Air­planes to review rel­e­vant design infor­ma­tion and per­for­mance against specifications. 

“The P‑8I’s unique capa­bil­i­ties are tai­lored to India’s mar­itime-patrol require­ments. It has the reach and capa­bil­i­ty to defend India’s vast coast­line and mar­itime waters,” said Vivek Lall, vice pres­i­dent and India coun­try lead, Boe­ing Defense, Space & Security. 

Boe­ing will deliv­er the first P‑8I to India with­in 48 months of the orig­i­nal con­tract sign­ing, which took place in Jan­u­ary 2009. India is the first cus­tomer for the P‑8 out­side the Unit­ed States. 

A unit of The Boe­ing Com­pa­ny, Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty is one of the world’s largest defense, space and secu­ri­ty busi­ness­es spe­cial­iz­ing in inno­v­a­tive and capa­bil­i­ties-dri­ven cus­tomer solu­tions, and the world’s largest and most ver­sa­tile man­u­fac­tur­er of mil­i­tary air­craft. Head­quar­tered in St. Louis, Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty is a $34 bil­lion busi­ness with 68,000 employ­ees worldwide. 

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Chick Ramey
BDS Com­mu­ni­ca­tions
Office: 425–965-7570
Mobile: 206–851-4147

Amri­ta Dhind­sa
BDS Com­mu­ni­ca­tions – India
Office: +91–1146566041
Mobile: +91–9654606067

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