USA — All Services Meet or Exceed March Recruiting Goals

WASHINGTON — The mil­i­tary ser­vices met or exceed­ed their March recruit­ing goals for the active and reserve com­po­nents, Defense Depart­ment offi­cials report­ed April 16.
Also, offi­cials said, reten­tion is above the goals for the first six months of the fis­cal year.

The active Army signed up 6,615 recruits in March from a goal of 6,389, achiev­ing 104 per­cent of its target. 

The active Navy signed up 2,886 recruits in March from a goal of 2,886, achiev­ing 100 per­cent of its target. 

The active Marine Corps signed up 1,118 recruits in March from a goal of 1,116, mak­ing 100 per­cent of its target. 

The active Air Force signed up 2,835 recruits in March from a goal of 2,835, mak­ing 100 per­cent of its target. 

All six reserve com­po­nents also met or exceed­ed their recruit­ing goals for March. 

The Army Nation­al Guard signed up 6,774 recruits in March from a goal of 5,150, mak­ing 132 per­cent of its target. 

The Army Reserve signed up 3,010 recruits in March from a goal of 2,706, mak­ing 111 per­cent of its target. 

The Navy Reserve signed up 348 recruits in March from a goal of 348, mak­ing 100 per­cent of its target. 

The Marine Corps Reserve signed up 772 recruits in March from a goal of 523, mak­ing 148 per­cent of its target. 

The Air Nation­al Guard signed up 583 recruits in March from a goal of 540, mak­ing 108 per­cent of its target. 

The Air Force Reserve signed up 983 recruits in March from a goal of 949, mak­ing 104 per­cent of its target. 

Attri­tion in all reserve com­po­nents is with­in accept­able lim­its, offi­cials said. 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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