WASHINGTON, July 13, 2010 — The active-duty services reported recruiting successes for June, a traditionally active month for recruiting, defense officials said today.
Since a majority of recruits are recent high school graduates, the busiest recruiting months typically are May through September, Cynthia Smith, a Defense Department spokeswoman, said.
The Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps all met or exceeded their June accession goals. The services also are at or above their fiscal year-to-date retention goals for the first nine months of fiscal 2010.
The active-duty recruiting numbers for June are as follows:
- Army: 102 percent of its goal; 7,438 accessions with a goal of 7,328.
- Navy: 100 percent of its goal; 3,209 accessions with a goal of 3,209.
- Marine Corps: 100 percent of its goal; 4,048 accessions with a goal of 4,046.
- Air Force: 100 percent of its goal; 1,935 accessions with a goal of 1,931.
Four of the six reserve components also exceeded their June accession goals, officials said. The Army and Air National Guard intentionally slowed June accessions because they are exceeding their fiscal year-to-date recruiting goals, officials said.
Losses for all reserve components are within acceptable limits, officials said.
The reserve-component recruiting numbers for June are as follows:
- Army National Guard: 94 percent of its goal; 4,544 accessions with a goal of 4,825.
- Army Reserve: 110 percent of its goal; 1,865 accessions with a goal of 1,690.
- Navy Reserve: 100 percent of its goal; 694 accessions with a goal of 694.
- Marine Corps Reserve: 110 percent of its goal; 1,296 accessions with a goal of 1,183.
- Air National Guard: 99 percent of its goal; 501 accessions with a goal of 507.
- Air Force Reserve: 103 percent of its goal; 778 accessions with a goal of 754.
U.S. Department of Defense
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs)