US Military contracts for FY12


The Mis­sile Defense Agency is announc­ing the award of the Ground-based Mid­course Defense (GMD) Devel­op­ment and Sus­tain­ment Con­tract (DSC) to The Boe­ing Co., Mis­sile Defense Sys­tems, Huntsville, Ala. The total val­ue of this con­tract is $3,480,000,000. This con­tract was com­pet­i­tive­ly award­ed fol­low­ing the receipt of two pro­pos­als. The scope of work under this con­tract includes, but is not lim­it­ed to: future devel­op­ment; field­ing; test; sys­tems engi­neer­ing, inte­gra­tion and con­fig­u­ra­tion man­age­ment; equip­ment man­u­fac­tur­ing and refur­bish­ment; train­ing; and oper­a­tions and sus­tain­ment sup­port for the GMD Weapon Sys­tem and asso­ci­at­ed sup­port facil­i­ties. Work will be per­formed at mul­ti­ple loca­tions, includ­ing: Huntsville, Ala.; Fort Greely, Alas­ka; Van­den­berg Air Force Base, Calif.; Schriev­er Air Force Base, Peter­son Air Force Base, Cheyenne Moun­tain Air Sta­tion, and Col­orado Springs, Colo.; Tuc­son, Ariz.; oth­er gov­ern­ment des­ig­nat­ed sites and oth­er con­trac­tor des­ig­nat­ed prime, sub­con­trac­tor, and sup­pli­er oper­at­ing loca­tions. The DSC peri­od of per­for­mance is sev­en years; Decem­ber 2011 through Decem­ber 2018. Fis­cal 2012 research, devel­op­ment, test and eval­u­a­tion funds will be used to ini­tial­ly fund efforts under the DSC. The Mis­sile Defense Agency, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (HQ0147-12-C-0004).

Lock­heed Mar­tin Space Sys­tems Co., Sun­ny­vale, Calif., is being award­ed a sole-source let­ter con­tract at a total not-to-exceed price of $1,960,000,000 to sup­ply two Ter­mi­nal High Alti­tude Area Defense Weapon Sys­tems and pro­vide sup­port ser­vices under a For­eign Mil­i­tary Sale to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates. Work will be man­aged in Sun­ny­vale, Calif., with final assem­bly per­formed in Troy, Ala. Per­for­mance extends from Dec. 30, 2011 through June 30, 2016. The Mis­sile Defense Agency, Huntsville, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Raytheon Co., Inte­grat­ed Defense Sys­tems, Woburn, Mass., is being award­ed a sole-source let­ter con­tract, with a not-to-exceed val­ue of $582,516,377, as an unde­fin­i­tized con­tract action (UCA) to pro­vide two AN/TPY‑2 radars for a For­eign Mil­i­tary Sales (FMS) case with the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates (UAE). Work will be per­formed in Woburn, Mass. The peri­od of per­for­mance is Dec. 30, 2011 through Sept. 30, 2018. UAE FMS funds in the amount of $582,516,377 will be used to fund this effort. Defin­i­ti­za­tion of the UCA is antic­i­pat­ed in June 2012. The Mis­sile Defense Agency, Huntsville, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (HQ0147-12-C-0005).

Raytheon Co., Inte­grat­ed Defense Sys­tems, Woburn, Mass., is being award­ed a sole-source let­ter con­tract, with a not-to-exceed val­ue of $363,900,000, as an unde­fin­i­tized con­tract action to pro­vide two AN/TPY‑2 radars. Work will be per­formed in Woburn, Mass. The peri­od of per­for­mance is Dec. 30, 2011 through March 30, 2015. Pro­cure­ment funds in the amount of $363,900,000 will be used to fund this effort. The Mis­sile Defense Agency, Huntsville, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (HQ0147-12-C-0006).


Lock­heed Mar­tin Corp., Grand Prairie, Texas, was award­ed a $605,998,104 firm-fixed-price and cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the 2012 Patri­ot advanced capa­bil­i­ty pro­duc­tion require­ment, which includes mis­siles, launch­ers, and ground sup­port, for Tai­wan. Work will be per­formed in Grand Prairie, Texas; Cam­den, Ark.; Lufkin, Texas; Chelms­ford, Mass. and Ocala, Fla., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of July 30, 2015. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W31P4Q-12-C-0002).

Avon Pro­tec­tion Sys­tems, Inc., Cadil­lac, Mich., was award­ed a $176,364,534 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the pro­duc­tion of M61 fil­ter can­is­ters for Joint Ser­vice gen­er­al pur­pose mask. Work will be per­formed in Cadil­lac, Mich., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 22, 2016. The bid was solicit­ed through the Inter­net, with six bids received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Aberdeen Prov­ing Ground, Md., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W911SR-12-D-0001).

Siko­rsky Air­craft Corp., Strat­ford, Conn., was award­ed an $81,168,138 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of an exist­ing con­tract to con­vert UH-60M air­craft to the Unit­ed Arab Emi­rates Armed Forces unique con­fig­u­ra­tion. Work will be per­formed in Strat­ford, Conn., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 31, 2012. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W58RGZ-08-C-0003).

Shaw Envi­ron­men­tal & Infra­struc­ture, Inc., Mon­roeville, Pa., was award­ed an $80,000,000 firm-fixed-price and cost-reim­bursable con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the emer­gency response ser­vices for the U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers. Work loca­tion will be deter­mined with each task order, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 30, 2016. The bid was solicit­ed through the Inter­net, with three bids received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Oma­ha, Neb., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W9128F-12-D-0003).

Long­bow Lim­it­ed Lia­bil­i­ty Corp., Orlan­do, Fla., was award­ed a $64,332,047 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of an exist­ing con­tract to defin­i­tize radar elec­tron­ic unit and unmanned aer­i­al vehi­cle tac­ti­cal com­mon data link low rate ini­tial pro­duc­tion for Tai­wan. Work will be per­formed in Orlan­do, Fla., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Sept. 30, 2015. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W58RGZ-10-C-0005).

AAI Corp., Hunt Val­ley, Md., was award­ed a $54,795,517 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of an exist­ing con­tract to pro­cure laser des­ig­na­tor retro­fit kits for the Shad­ow unmanned air­craft sys­tem. Work will be per­formed in Hunt Val­ley, Md., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of March 31, 2014. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W58RGZ-08-C-0023).

Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Ord­nance and Tac­ti­cal Sys­tems, St. Peters­burg, Fla., was award­ed a $43,824,598 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the pro­cure­ment of 120mm insen­si­tive muni­tions high explo­sive trac­er car­tridges to the Arab Repub­lic of Egypt. Work will be per­formed in sev­er­al cities across the Unit­ed States, as well as Nor­way and Cana­da, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of July 30, 2015. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Picatin­ny Arse­nal, N.J., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W15QKN-12-C-0002).

Raytheon Inte­grat­ed Defense Sys­tems, Andover, Mass., was award­ed a $34,285,600 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the pro­cure­ment of three Patri­ot fire units and train­ing equip­ment for Tai­wan. Work will be per­formed in sev­er­al loca­tions with­in Alaba­ma, Ari­zona, Cal­i­for­nia, Con­necti­cut, Flori­da, Geor­gia, Illi­nois, Indi­ana, Mary­land, Mass­a­chu­setts, Min­neso­ta, Mis­souri, New Hamp­shire, New Jer­sey, New York, North Car­oli­na, Ohio, Okla­homa, Penn­syl­va­nia, Rhode Island, Utah, Wash­ing­ton, Italy, Greece, and Cana­da, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 31, 2016. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W31P4Q-12-C-0069).

Tech­nol­o­gists, Inc., Arling­ton, Va., was award­ed a $30,633,335 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the con­struc­tion ser­vices for projects in Afghanistan. Work will be per­formed in Kab­ul, Afghanistan, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of March 27, 2013. The bid was solicit­ed through the Inter­net, with six bids received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Kansas City, Miss., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912DQ-12-C-4000).

Cox Con­struc­tion Co., Vista, Calif., was award­ed an $18,710,400 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the con­struc­tion ser­vices at the Joint Forces Train­ing Base, Los Alami­tos, Calif. Work will be per­formed in Los Alami­tos, Calif., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of June 30, 2013. The bid was solicit­ed through the Inter­net, with 11 bids received. The Nation­al Guard Bureau, San Luis Obis­po, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912LA-12-C-0001).

Rolls-Royce Corp., Indi­anapo­lis, Ind., was award­ed an $18,185,434 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the pro­cure­ment of an addi­tion­al six months logis­tics sup­port. Work will be per­formed in Indi­anapo­lis, Ind., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of June 30, 2012. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W58RGZ-06-D-0072).

Dra­ga­dos USA, Inc., New York, N.Y., was award­ed a $15,284,720 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the ser­vices in sup­port of the Por­tugues Dam and Bucana Riv­er Project. Work will be per­formed in Ponce, Puer­to Rico, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of March 13, 2013. The bid was solicit­ed through the Inter­net, with two bids received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Jack­sonville, Fla., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912EP-08-C-0011).

Raytheon Co., Mis­sile Sys­tems, Tuc­son, Ariz., was award­ed a $13,918,946 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of an exist­ing con­tract to pro­cure 92H Block‑1 Stinger mis­siles and air-to-air launch­ers for Tai­wan. Work will be per­formed in Tuc­son, Ariz., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 31, 2016. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W31P4Q-09-C-0520).

Sco­la, McClel­land, Iowa, was award­ed a $13,335,756 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the lan­guage broad­cast cable ser­vice for mul­ti­ple loca­tions with the Defense Lan­guage Insti­tute For­eign Lan­guage Cen­ter. Work will be per­formed in Mon­terey, Calif., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 25, 2012. The bid was solicit­ed through the Inter­net, with two bids received. The U.S. Army Mis­sion and Instal­la­tion Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Fort Dix, N.J., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W91LV2-11-C-0009).

Man­son Con­struc­tion Co., Seat­tle, Wash., was award­ed a $12,608,500 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the main­te­nance dredg­ing ser­vices for areas locat­ed in Savan­nah, Ga. Work will be per­formed in Savan­nah and Brunswick, Ga., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of March 31, 2012. The bid was solicit­ed through the Inter­net, with two bids received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Savan­nah, Ga., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W912HN-12-C-0001).

Gen­er­al Atom­ics Aero­nau­ti­cal Sys­tems, Inc., Poway, Calif., was award­ed a $12,000,000 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the sup­port ser­vices for War­rior A/Block 0 unmanned air­craft sys­tems. Work will be per­formed in Poway, Calif., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 17, 2013. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W58RGZ-12-C-0001).

Oshkosh Corp., Oshkosh, Wis., was award­ed an $11,685,735 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the mod­i­fi­ca­tion of an exist­ing con­tract to pro­cure heavy expand­ed mobil­i­ty tac­ti­cal truck light equip­ment trans­porter vehi­cles. Work will be per­formed in Oshkosh, Wis., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 31, 2013. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, War­ren, Mich., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W56HZV-09-D-0024).

Seneca Con­struc­tion, L.L.C./J2 Engi­neer­ing, J.V., Irv­ing, N.Y., was award­ed an $8,000,000 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for full-range sup­port ser­vices to cus­tomers of the U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers. Work loca­tion will be deter­mined with each task order, with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of Dec. 16, 2016. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers, Mobile, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W91278-12-D-0008).

Lock­heed Mar­tin Mis­siles and Fire Con­trol, Orlan­do, Fla., was award­ed a $7,789,759 firm-fixed-price and cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the pro­cure­ment of Mod­ern­ized Laser Range Find­er Des­ig­na­tor Lot 1 kits and asso­ci­at­ed spares. Work will be per­formed in Orlan­do, Fla., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of April 30, 2014. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W58RGZ-11-C-0120).

Strate­gic Resources, Inc., McLean, Va., was award­ed a $7,724,490 firm-fixed-price, labor-hour con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the ser­vices nec­es­sary to sup­port Joint Base Lewis-McChord’s mobi­liza­tion mis­sion. Work will be per­formed in Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of June 27, 2012. Six bids were solicit­ed, with six bids received. The Mis­sion Con­tract­ing Office, Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Wash., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W9124D-11-C-9000).

Cer­ti­fied Slings, Inc., Cas­sel­ber­ry, Fla., was award­ed a $7,643,262 firm-fixed-price con­tract. The award will pro­vide for the 5,000 aer­i­al deliv­ery car­go slings. Work will be per­formed in Cas­sel­ber­ry, Fla., with an esti­mat­ed com­ple­tion date of June 1, 2014. One bid was solicit­ed, with one bid received. The U.S. Army Con­tract­ing Com­mand, War­ren, Mich., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (W56HZV-12-C-0070).


Sier­ra Neva­da Corp., Sparks, Nev., is being award­ed a firm-fixed price deliv­ery order 0001 con­tract in the amount of $355,126,541 for the Light Air Sup­port (LAS) air­craft and asso­ci­at­ed sup­port. The deliv­ery order is being issued under the simul­ta­ne­ous­ly award­ed basic con­tract FA8637-12-D-6001, an indef­i­nite-deliv­ery/in­def­i­nite-quan­ti­ty con­tract. This is a non-devel­op­men­tal air­craft pro­cured for con­duct­ing advanced flight train­ing, sur­veil­lance, air inter­dic­tion, and close air sup­port. The LAS air­craft is a sin­gle-engine tur­bo­prop fixed-wing air­craft with tri­cy­cle, retractable land­ing gear, and tan­dem two-place pres­sur­ized cock­pit with ejec­tion seats, capa­ble of oper­at­ing from semi-pre­pared air fields. Ground train­ing devices sup­port pilot train­ing. Inter­im con­trac­tor sup­port is required for all main­te­nance and sup­ply require­ments for the air­craft and asso­ci­at­ed sup­port equip­ment, con­sist­ing of the fol­low­ing: 20 LAS air­craft; one lot inter­im con­trac­tor sup­port long lead in the con­ti­nen­tal Unit­ed States; one lot inter­im con­trac­tor sup­port base acti­va­tion out­side the con­ti­nen­tal Unit­ed States; six mis­sion plan­ning sta­tions; six mis­sion debrief sys­tems; one com­put­er based train­er ground train­ing device; one flight train­ing device ground train­ing device; one lot LAS flight cer­ti­fi­ca­tion to Unit­ed States Air Force Mil­i­tary Train­ing Cen­ter stan­dards. Loca­tions of per­for­mance are Sparks, Nev. (55 per­cent), and Jack­sonville, Fla. (45 per­cent). Deliv­ery order 0001 is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed Apr. 30, 2014. The basic con­tract has an order­ing peri­od of 60 months. ASC/WWYAC, Wright-Pat­ter­son, Ohio, is the con­tract­ing activity. 

Raytheon Co., Waltham, Mass., is being award­ed a $38,472,002 cost-plus-award-fee and cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract. This con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tion is for the mod­ern­ized user equip­ment com­ple­tion effort. This effort cor­rects mod­ern­ized user equip­ment receiv­er card defi­cien­cies that were iden­ti­fied dur­ing func­tion­al qual­i­fi­ca­tion test­ing, in order for the receiv­er cards to com­ply with con­tract require­ments. The loca­tion of per­for­mance is El Segun­do, Calif. Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed Novem­ber 2012. SMC/GPK, El Segun­do, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8807-06-C-0004, P00073). 

Inte­gral Sys­tems, Inc., Colum­bia, Md., is being award­ed a $15,698,435 cost-plus-award-fee con­tract for mod­i­fi­ca­tion exer­cis­es option con­tract line item num­ber 1006-cal­en­dar year 2012 sus­tain­ment in sup­port of the Com­mand and Con­trol Sys­tem Con­sol­i­dat­ed pro­gram. The sup­port includes pro­gram man­age­ment, hard­ware and soft­ware main­te­nance, core and satel­lite vehi­cle-spe­cif­ic soft­ware main­te­nance, data­base main­te­nance, and oper­a­tions sup­port for Satel­lite Oper­a­tions Cen­ter Block at Schriev­er Air Force Base, Colo. The two loca­tions for the per­for­mance are Col­orado Springs. Colo. (50 per­cent), and Schriev­er Air Force Base, Colo. (35 per­cent). Work is to be com­plet­ed by Dec. 31, 2012. SMC/MSCSD, El Segun­do, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA4701-01-C-0012, P00199). 

Boe­ing Satel­lite Sys­tems, Inc., El Segun­do, Calif., is being award­ed a $9,497,495 cost-plus-fixed-fee con­tract. This con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tion of the Wide­band Glob­al SATCOM Block II fol­low-on con­tract is for space­craft mod­ern­iza­tion ini­tia­tive dig­i­tal chan­nel­iz­er upgrade study. The loca­tion of per­for­mance is El Segun­do, Calif. Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed Jan. 1, 2012. SMC/PKJW, El Segun­do, Calif., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8808-10-C-0001, P00021). 

Raytheon Co., Net­work Cen­tric Sys­tems, Marl­bor­ough, Mass., is being award­ed a $9,443,490 cost-plus-award-fee, firm-fixed-price, time-and-mate­ri­als and cost reim­burse­ment con­tract. This action will con­tin­ue to pro­vide sur­viv­able com­mu­ni­ca­tions for Unit­ed States strate­gic nuclear forces; the Min­ute­man Min­i­mum Essen­tial Emer­gency Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Net­work Pro­gram must be upgrad­ed to sup­port com­mu­ni­ca­tions via the Advanced Extreme­ly High Fre­quen­cy satel­lite con­stel­la­tions. The loca­tion of per­for­mance is Marl­bor­ough, Mass. Work is expect­ed to be com­plet­ed 12 months after receipt of order. ESC/HNSK, Hanscom Air Force Base, Mass., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (FA8726-08-C-004, P00080).


CSD, Inc.*, New Con­roe, Texas, was award­ed a fixed-price with eco­nom­ic price adjust­ment con­tract with a max­i­mum $11,832,260 for fuel sys­tem icing inhibitor. No oth­er loca­tion of per­for­mance. Using ser­vice is Defense Logis­tics Agency Ener­gy. There were three respons­es to the solic­i­ta­tion. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2012 Defense Cap­i­tal Work­ing Funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Jan. 30, 2013. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Ener­gy, Fort Belvoir, Va., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SP0600-12-D-0760).

Grimes Aero­space Co., Urbana, Ohio, was award­ed a firm-fixed-price con­tract with a max­i­mum $9,570,000 for search­lights. No oth­er loca­tion of per­for­mance. Using ser­vice is Army. There was one response to the solic­i­ta­tion. Type of appro­pri­a­tion is fis­cal 2012 cap­i­tal work­ing funds. The date of per­for­mance com­ple­tion is Decem­ber 2014. The Defense Logis­tics Agency Avi­a­tion, Red­stone Arse­nal, Ala., is the con­tract­ing activ­i­ty (SPRRA1-12-D-0049). *Small business 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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