UK — National Security Strategy published

The Gov­ern­ment has pub­lished its Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Strat­e­gy, ‘A Strong Britain in an Age of Uncer­tain­ty’, today, which out­lines our reap­praisal of Britain’s role in the world, the risks to our secu­ri­ty and the impli­ca­tions for the UK.

Togeth­er with the Strate­gic Defence and Secu­ri­ty Review (SDSR) which will be pub­lished tomor­row, the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Strat­e­gy (NSS) sets out our strate­gic choic­es on how to ensure the secu­ri­ty of our coun­try and how we need the struc­tures in place to allow us to react quick­ly and effec­tive­ly to new and evolv­ing threats. 

The NSS and SDSR togeth­er pro­vide direc­tion for nation­al secu­ri­ty pol­i­cy, capa­bil­i­ties and resources for the next five years. The NSS allows Depart­ments to pri­ori­tise their resources accord­ing to the risks set out in the document. 

The NSS, which has been coor­di­nat­ed and devel­oped by the Cab­i­net Office under­tak­ing strate­gic think­ing on nation­al secu­ri­ty issues in sup­port of the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil, sets out two high-lev­el objec­tives which will guide our strate­gic approach overall: 

  • to ensure a secure and resilient UK by pro­tect­ing our peo­ple, econ­o­my, infra­struc­ture, ter­ri­to­ry and ways of life from all major risks that can affect us direct­ly; and
  • to shape a sta­ble world by act­ing to reduce the like­li­hood of risks affect­ing the UK or British inter­ests over­seas, and apply­ing our instru­ments of pow­er and influ­ence to shape the glob­al environment. 

The NSS decides our pri­or­i­ties for action, and iden­ti­fies 15 pri­or­i­ty secu­ri­ty risks to the UK. The fol­low­ing Tier 1 risks are judged to be our high­est pri­or­i­ties for UK nation­al security: 

  • ter­ror­ism;
  • cyber attack;
  • major nat­ur­al haz­ards and acci­dents; and 
  • inter­na­tion­al mil­i­tary crises.

Afghanistan will remain our top pri­or­i­ty while British troops are deployed there. 

In a writ­ten min­is­te­r­i­al state­ment to Par­lia­ment announc­ing the pub­li­ca­tion of the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Strat­e­gy, the Prime Min­is­ter said today: 

“The Unit­ed King­dom faces a com­plex array of threats from a myr­i­ad of sources. The Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Strat­e­gy describes the strate­gic con­text with­in which these threats arise, and how they may devel­op in the future. 

“It describes Britain’s place in the world as an open, out­ward-fac­ing nation whose polit­i­cal, eco­nom­ic and cul­tur­al author­i­ty far exceeds our size. Our nation­al inter­est requires our con­tin­ued full and active engage­ment in world affairs, pro­mot­ing our secu­ri­ty, our pros­per­i­ty and our values. 

“Our objec­tives are a secure and resilient Unit­ed King­dom, and shap­ing a sta­ble world. In pur­suit of these goals, our high­est pri­or­i­ties are tack­ling ter­ror­ism, cyber secu­ri­ty, inter­na­tion­al mil­i­tary crises and nation­al dis­as­ters such as floods and pandemics. 

“We will draw togeth­er and use all the instru­ments of nation­al pow­er to tack­le these risks, includ­ing the Armed Forces, diplo­mats, intel­li­gence and devel­op­ment pro­fes­sion­als, the police, the pri­vate sec­tor and the British peo­ple themselves. 

“The Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Strat­e­gy, togeth­er with the mea­sures in the Strate­gic Defence and Secu­ri­ty Review, will enable us to pro­tect our secu­ri­ty and advance our inter­est in the world.” 

“Our objec­tives are a secure and resilient Unit­ed King­dom, and shap­ing a sta­ble world. In pur­suit of those goals, our high­est pri­or­i­ties are tack­ling ter­ror­ism, cyber secu­ri­ty, inter­na­tion­al mil­i­tary crises and nation­al dis­as­ters such as floods and pan­demics.”
Prime Min­is­ter David Cameron

Press release
Min­istry of Defence, UK 

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