Two more Super Hornets arrive in Australia

The Min­is­ter for Defence Materiel Jason Clare today announced the arrival of two new F/A‑18F Super Hor­nets to RAAF Base Amber­ley in Queens­land.

This brings the cur­rent Aus­tralian fleet to 20 with a fur­ther four air­craft to be deliv­ered by the end of the year. 

“The Super Hor­net is one of the best fight­er planes in the world. It has an advanced mul­ti-mode AESA (active­ly elec­tron­i­cal­ly scanned array) radar and ‘low observ­abil­i­ty’ char­ac­ter­is­tics that make it sig­nif­i­cant­ly bet­ter than any fourth gen­er­a­tion fight­er,” Mr Clare said. 

The Super Hor­net can car­ry about one-third more fuel and weapons pay­load than the F/A‑18A or F/A‑18B Clas­sic Hor­net air­craft, while main­tain­ing the same speed and han­dling char­ac­ter­is­tics in com­bat configurations. 

The Super Hor­net gives the Roy­al Aus­tralian Air Force the capa­bil­i­ty to con­duct air-to-air com­bat; strike tar­gets on land and at sea; sup­press ene­my air defences; and con­duct reconnaissance. 

The Super Hor­net is also an off the shelf proven capa­bil­i­ty. It has been flown by the US Navy since 2001 and oper­at­ed in Iraq, Afghanistan and most recent­ly in Libya. 

The first 15 Aus­tralian Super Hor­nets became oper­a­tional in Decem­ber last year — fol­low­ing the retire­ment of the icon­ic F‑111.

A fur­ther three Super Hor­nets were deliv­ered to Amber­ley last month. 

The Super Hor­net is built by Boe­ing at its pro­duc­tion line in St Louis, Missouri. 

Press release
Min­is­te­r­i­al Sup­port and Pub­lic Affairs,
Depart­ment of Defence,
Can­ber­ra, Australia 

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