Transfer of the Second Holland Class Patrol Vessel Zeeland for the Royal Netherlands Navy

On Thurs­day 20 Octo­ber, the sec­ond of four Hol­land Class Ocean­go­ing Patrol Ves­sels, “Zee­land” built by Damen Schelde Naval Ship­build­ing for the Roy­al Nether­lands Navy, was trans­ferred to the Defence Materiel Orga­ni­za­tion of the Min­istry of Defence of the Netherlands.

Sec­ond Hol­land Class Patrol Ves­sel
Source: Damen Schelde

Imme­di­ate­ly after deliv­ery, the “Zee­land” depart­ed the Damen Schelde Naval Ship­build­ing facil­i­ties to arrive in Den Helder 21 Octo­ber. In the near future the ship is sched­uled to con­duct a work-up peri­od from Den Helder. On com­ple­tion of the sec­ond Inte­grat­ed Mast Mod­ule by Thales NL the ship will return to Vlissin­gen for instal­la­tion of the Thales Inte­grat­ed Mast Mod­ule (IMM)

Ocean Going Patrol Vessel

The four ves­sels of the Hol­land Class OPV’s mea­sure 108 metres in length and 18 metres in width with a dis­place­ment of approx­i­mate­ly 3750 tons.
They offer hangar space and land­ing facil­i­ties for one NH-90 heli­copter or equiv­a­lent types. Their arma­ment con­sists of one 76 mm Oto-Melara gun, one rapid-fire 30 mm gun and two 12.7 mm Hit­role machine guns. The weapons all have full remote con­trol. Thanks to the state-of-the-art sen­sor and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nol­o­gy in the Inte­grat­ed Mast Mod­ule (IMM), detec­tion and track­ing of high- and low-alti­tude air tar­gets, fast boats, periscopes, mines and even swim­mers will be possible.

The first two patrol ves­sels, “Hol­land” and “ ‘Zee­land” are built at the ship­yard of Damen Schelde Naval Ship­build­ing in Vlissin­gen, with a num­ber of sec­tions being sup­plied by the Damen ship­yard in Galati. The “Hol­land” was hand­ed over to the Roy­al Nether­lands Navy ear­li­er this year in May.

The third and fourth ves­sels, “Fries­land” and “Gronin­gen” are built at the Damen ship­yard in Galati under the super­vi­sion of Damen Schelde Naval Ship­build­ing. Par­tial SAT for the “Fries­land” have been suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed last Sep­tem­ber. Present­ly she will sail to the Damen Schelde Naval Ship­build­ing yard for final out­fit­ting of cer­tain sys­tems and components.


The Damen Ship­yards Group offers a com­plete range of naval and patrol ves­sels rang­ing from 7 to over 200 meters.
Parts of this port­fo­lio are the Damen Schelde Naval Ship­build­ing (DSNS) naval com­bat­ants and aux­il­iaries, embod­ied by the SIGMA and ENFORCER series.
At present DSNS also has under con­struc­tion for the Roy­al Nether­lands Navy: a Joint Logis­tic Sup­port Ship (JSS), the largest mil­i­tary ves­sel built by DSNS so far. For the Roy­al Moroc­can Navy, DSNS has a series of three SIGMA frigates under con­struc­tion, the first SIGMA frigate, Tarik ben Zayid was trans­ferred to the Roy­al Moroc­can Navy last month.

Pub­li­ca­tion date: 21-10-2011 

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