The New Global Partnership: The Will-Burt Company and GEROH GmbH & COKG

The Will-Burt Com­pa­ny, the world’s pre­mier man­u­fac­tur­er of tele­scop­ing mast ele­va­tion solu­tions for sur­veil­lance, com­mu­ni­ca­tion anten­na and scene light­ing sys­tems, has acquired GEROH GmbH, based in Wais­chen­feld, Ger­many. GEROH is the lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­er of tele­scop­ing mast and trail­er solu­tions for the mil­i­tary mar­ket in West­ern Europe and the num­ber one for mechan­i­cal mast sys­tems all over the world. The acqui­si­tion broad­ens the mast prod­uct line that Will-Burt and GEROH offers cus­tomers in its glob­al mar­kets and gives it man­u­fac­tur­ing facil­i­ties and sales and ser­vice capa­bil­i­ties in Europe. 

GEROH engi­neers, designs and man­u­fac­tures a broad line of high per­for­mance mechan­i­cal masts that will com­ple­ment Will-Burt’s prod­uct line and capa­bil­i­ties and enable both com­pa­nies to bet­ter ful­fill our cus­tomers’ needs for ele­va­tion solu­tions,” said Jeff Evans, Will-Burt’s Pres­i­dent, CEO and Chair­man. “In addi­tion, this acqui­si­tion allows us to become clos­er to our Euro­pean cus­tomers and to be able to serve them even better.” 

Com­menc­ing its oper­a­tions in 1947, GEROH will con­tin­ue pro­duc­tion and oper­a­tions in its cur­rent location.“We are excit­ed about the com­bi­na­tion of prod­ucts, capa­bil­i­ties and mar­kets that will enable both Will-Burt and GEROH to become stronger across the Atlantic and across the globe,” said GEROH CEO Peter Dressendör­fer. “Togeth­er, we can deliv­er bet­ter prod­ucts and bet­ter ser­vice to all our customers.” 

Will-Burt offers a broad range of masts, from its high per­for­mance, high point­ing accu­ra­cy Stilet­to fam­i­ly of masts for mil­i­tary, bor­der patrol and oth­er appli­ca­tions, to its Expe­di­tion Series sin­gle-man portable tri­pod mast, includ­ing pneu­mat­ic and mechan­i­cal masts and light tow­ers. Will-Burt also designs and man­u­fac­tures mil­i­tary and oth­er shel­ters made of all-com­pos­ite mate­ri­als. All prod­ucts of Will-Burt are man­u­fac­tured under the cer­ti­fied Qual­i­ty Sys­tem ISO 9001:2008

GEROH cable-dri­ven masts include the heavy-duty KVR mast, well suit­ed for sur­veil­lance or com­mu­ni­ca­tions anten­na sys­tems as well as the lighter-duty KVL mast. Each mast may be vehi­cle, shel­ter, trail­er or field-mount­ed and has an avail­able tilt sys­tem. GEROH also offers the heavy duty Spin­dle mast SPM with unique and unbeat­able weight-lift­ing capa­bil­i­ty and point­ing accuracy. 

In addi­tion to its masts, GEROH also engi­neers and man­u­fac­tures its own line of spe­cial­ty sin­gle and dou­ble axel mil­i­tary trail­ers, designed for max­i­mum mobil­i­ty with high pay­load capa­bil­i­ty and low curb weight. 

GEROH is a well know spe­cial­ist for design­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing and sys­tem inte­gra­tion of cus­tomized solu­tions. Due to long times expe­ri­ence GEROH has got excel­lent rep­u­ta­tion from their glob­al cus­tomers. Many of them have audit­ed the out­stand­ing qual­i­ty stan­dards by their qual­i­ty departments. 

“Com­bin­ing the GEROH prod­ucts with our exist­ing Will-Burt masts and ITS tow­ers allows us to sat­is­fy vir­tu­al­ly every cus­tomer need in today’s demand­ing mar­kets,” said Evans. “Com­bined with our inte­gra­tion, engi­neer­ing, man­u­fac­tur­ing and Quick-Turn® capa­bil­i­ties, we now are tru­ly a one-stop shop to meet our cus­tomers’ needs.” One of the main ben­e­fits for GEROH, a mid-sized com­pa­ny, will be the access to the glob­al mar­ket by using the world­wide sales net­work of The Will-Burt Com­pa­ny. Our utmost con­cern how­ev­er is the preser­va­tion and con­tin­u­a­tion of the life work of Dr. Con­rad, our hith­er­to own­er of the com­pa­ny, as well as the long last­ing pro­tec­tion and devel­op­ment of the employ­ment at the premis­es in Waischenfeld. 

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