Somalia — EU NAVFOR warship FS Nivôse in exchange of fire

The EU NAVFOR French war­ship, FS Nivôse, came under small arms fire on 20 May from the coast in the port of Mogadishu, as the war­ship pro­vid­ed safe con­duct to MV Alpha Kirawira and Petra 1.

EU NAVFOR French warship Nivôse
EU NAVFOR French war­ship Nivôse

In the ear­ly hours of Thurs­day 20 of May, the EU NAVFOR war­ship FS Nivôse approach­ing Mogadishu, to begin the escort of MS Alpha Kirawira and Petra 1. Both ships had just unloaded as part of the AMISOM mis­sion in sup­port of the African Union forces in Soma­lia. Heavy gun­fire ashore in the city had already been heard aboard the Nivôse pri­or to the inci­dent when, just out­side Mogadishu har­bour small arms water strike was observed as being direct­ed at the warship. 

Nivôse respond­ed with warn­ing shots in the direc­tion of the fire and the assault end­ed. Nei­ther Nir­vose nor the two mer­chant ves­sels were dam­aged in the attack. Nivôse then pro­ceed­ed to escort the two mer­chant ships to Mombasa. 

EU NAVFOR Soma­lia – Oper­a­tion ATALANTA’s main tasks are to escort mer­chant ves­sels car­ry­ing human­i­tar­i­an aid of the World Food Pro­gramme (WFP) and ves­sels of African Unions Mis­sion in Soma­lia, AMISOM and to pro­tect vul­ner­a­ble ves­sels in the Gulf of Aden and Indi­an Ocean and to deter and dis­rupt pira­cy. EU NAVFOR also mon­i­tors fish­ing activ­i­ty off the coast of Somalia. 

Press release

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