Schweden — Imint Releases New Version of the Ihvert® Software Suite

Upp­sala, Swe­den, June 16th, 2010: Imint today announced imme­di­ate mar­ket avail­abil­i­ty of the new ver­sion 2.10 of its Ihvert® prod­uct suite, a com­plete soft­ware plat­form for advanced live sur­veil­lance video enhance­ment, analy­sis, and exploita­tion.

Imint is releas­ing the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion of its Ihvert prod­uct suite. Ihvert is a soft­ware prod­uct suite specif­i­cal­ly tar­get­ing the needs for bet­ter sit­u­a­tion­al aware­ness from aer­i­al intel­li­gence, sur­veil­lance and recon­nais­sance (ISR) sys­tems. Ihvert imple­ments unique live video enhance­ment tech­niques that rad­i­cal­ly increase chances to find crit­i­cal infor­ma­tion in real time. Ihvert is opti­mized to run on resource con­strained sys­tems, such as ruggedi­zed laptops. 

Ihvert 2.10 is made avail­able in three prod­uct packages; 

  • Ihvert Enhanced Video View­er, for users who has a need to watch a great­ly enhanced live video.
  • Ihvert Remote View­ing Ter­mi­nal, pro­vid­ing all func­tion­al­i­ty need­ed for a portable view­ing sys­tem, serv­ing as an intel­li­gence node down to the lev­el of an indi­vid­ual dis­mount­ed solider.
  • Ihvert Intel­li­gence Exploita­tion Ter­mi­nal, adding advanced geo-ref­er­enc­ing func­tion­al­i­ty based on the system’s teleme­try data, mak­ing it a sin­gle source intel­li­gence cell. 

Ihvert is a hard­ware inde­pen­dent, flex­i­ble and mod­u­lar “all soft­ware” solu­tion that sim­ply fits in any sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tion. In the ver­sion 2.10 release, addi­tion­al sys­tem plat­forms have been ver­i­fied to work seam­less­ly with Ihvert. Oth­er news in the Ihvert 2.10 release is a fur­ther mod­ern­ized graph­i­cal user inter­face, that is intu­itive and quick to oper­ate under time pres­sure by oper­a­tors that might not be high­ly soft­ware appli­ca­tion savvy. The unique video enhance­ment tech­nol­o­gy in Ihvert is also fur­ther refined; algo­rithms have been tuned and opti­mized using days of real video footage in var­i­ous ter­rains and con­texts, such as sea, for­est, desert, cities, etc. 

Video sta­bi­liza­tion is also fur­ther improved in Ihvert 2.10. Ihvert pro­vides sta­ble imagery even under very shaky con­di­tions, typ­i­cal­ly found under high zoom, or from small or minia­ture Unmanned Aer­i­al Sys­tems (UAS). Com­bin­ing sta­bi­liza­tion with oth­er image opti­miza­tion tech­niques, Ihvert offers a “weight­less” capa­bil­i­ty improve­ment to UAS already in use, and extends ranges for detec­tion, recog­ni­tion, and identification.

Andreas Lifven­dahl, Sales and Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor of Imint, com­ment­ed on the mar­ket release of Ihvert 2.10: “We believe that the indus­try is slow­ly com­ing around to see the mer­its of clever soft­ware on the ground, rather than giv­ing most of the atten­tion to the hard­ware of the vehi­cles or sen­sor pay­loads. At the end of the day, the machines are up there in the sky for the pur­pose of pro­vid­ing us with imagery from which we can extract some­times life crit­i­cal infor­ma­tion. Ihvert, and oth­er inno­v­a­tive soft­ware solu­tions, helps putting focus on an end, not the means.” 

The full fea­ture list of Ihvert 2.10 can be found on the Imint web­page, Ihvert users cur­rent­ly on the Ihvert 1.x plat­form, and under active main­te­nance, will be pro­vid­ed an upgrade to Ihvert 2.10 free of charge. 

Imint — Image Intel­li­gence AB 

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