Russia — Contract on Yak-130 aircraft delivery

Russ­ian Defence Min­is­ter Ana­toly Serdyukov and Pres­i­dent of IRKUT Cor­po­ra­tion Alex­ey Fedorov have signed the con­tract on Yak-130 air­craft delivery.

Under the con­tract, IRKUT Cor­po­ra­tion will sup­ply 55 Yak-130 to the Russ­ian Air Force by 2015.

The state arms pro­gram 2011–2020 envis­ages the pur­chase 65 Yak-130 com­bat trainers.

As part of efforts to form a new image of the Russ­ian Armed Forces, the Defence Min­istry pays pri­ma­ry atten­tion to equip­ping the Armed Forces with state-of-the-art hard­ware and to enhanc­ing its com­bat capa­bil­i­ty. The new Yak-130 air­craft will help to improve pilots’ skills and to train them to fly new-gen­er­a­tion com­bat air­craft to be mass pur­chased by the Defence Min­istry” — the Russ­ian Defence Min­is­ter Ana­toly Serdyukov said.

Pres­i­dent of JSC IRKUT Cor­po­ra­tion Alex­ey Fedorov not­ed that the sign­ing of the con­tract for Yak-130 – the most impor­tant event for the com­pa­ny. “I am con­fi­dent that we can ensure time­ly deliv­ery and high qual­i­ty of air­craft pro­duced for the Russ­ian Armed Forces” – he said.

Yak-130 Com­bat Train­er, devel­oped by the Yakovlev Design Bureau – an IRKUT Cor­po­ra­tion com­pa­ny, was cho­sen as the main air­craft for basic and advanced train­ing of Russ­ian Air Force pilots. Yak-130 can pro­vide top-class pilots train­ing to han­dle Russ­ian and for­eign-made com­bat air­craft of the gen­er­a­tions “4+” and “5”. Yak-130 air­craft is the basic com­po­nent of the train­ing com­plex includ­ing inte­grat­ed sys­tem of the objec­tive con­trol, edu­ca­tion­al com­put­er class­es, flight and spe­cial­ized train­ing appa­ra­tus. State tri­als of Yak-130 with weapon­ry includ­ed have been suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed in Decem­ber 2009.

Ser­i­al pro­duc­tion of Yak-130 com­bat train­er on the Irkut­sk avi­a­tion plant is con­duct­ed with com­plex use of mod­ern dig­i­tal technologies.

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