Piraterie — Pirated German ship rescued – EU NAVFOR HNMLS Tromp retakes pirated MV Taipan

MV Taipan, a Ger­man flagged and owned con­tain­er ship of dead­weight of 12612 tonnes, was on route to Mom­basa from Dji­bouti when pirates attacked and took con­trol of the ship.

MV Taipan
MV Taipan

On the morn­ing of the 5 April, 500 nau­ti­cal miles east off the Soma­li coast, a Pirate Attack Group (PAG) attacked and got onboard the MV Taipan. As the pirates board­ed the ship the MV Taipan crew fol­lowed EU NAVFOR Best Man­age­ment Prac­tice, retreat­ed to a secure strong room and locked them­selves in; they were able to stop all engines and there­by dis­able the ship, before alert­ing EU NAVFOR that the ship had been tak­en. HNLMS Tromp was sent imme­di­ate­ly to the scene and locat­ed the pirat­ed ship. 

Ini­tial­ly HNMLS Tromp attempt­ed to nego­ti­ate with the pirates to avoid casu­al­ties but when it became clear that the pirates intend­ed resist­ing, HNMLS Tromp launched a high­ly pro­fes­sion­al oper­a­tion to recap­ture the ship. Marines from the TROMP have now board­ed and retak­en con­trol of the ship from the pirates. The crew of 13 (2 Ger­man, 3 Russ­ian and 8 Sri Lankan nation­als) have been released unharmed. 10 pirates have been tak­en into custody. 

EU NAVFOR Soma­lia – Oper­a­tion ATALANTA’s main tasks are to escort mer­chant ves­sels car­ry­ing human­i­tar­i­an aid of the ‘World Food Pro­gram’ (WFP) and ves­sels of AMISOM, and to pro­tect vul­ner­a­ble ships in the Gulf of Aden and Indi­an Ocean and to deter and dis­rupt pira­cy. EU NAVFOR also mon­i­tors fish­ing activ­i­ty off the coast of Somalia. 


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