Oshkosh to display M‑ATV Vehicle at International Armoured Vehicles

LONDON, UK – 31st Jan­u­ary 2011 — Indus­try-lead­ing glob­al design­er and man­u­fac­tur­er of tac­ti­cal mil­i­tary trucks and armoured wheeled vehi­cles, Oshkosh Defence will be show­cas­ing their M‑ATV vehi­cle capa­bil­i­ties at Inter­na­tion­al Armoured Vehi­cles Exhi­bi­tion, tak­ing place on the 7th to the 11th Feb­ru­ary, at the ExCel Cen­tre, Lon­don.

As calls from across the globe cry out for improved equip­ment to be pro­vid­ed to troops in Afghanistan, Oshkosh have released the lat­est addi­tion to the M‑ATV fam­i­ly of armoured vehi­cles with deliv­er­ies sched­uled to take place in May 2011, and orders of col­lec­tive ceil­ing price of hit­ting near­ly $55 million.

Oshkosh will be exhibit­ing the new M‑ATV SFV, designed to sup­port the most chal­leng­ing tac­ti­cal oper­a­tions in rugged and moun­tain­ous off-road envi­ron­ments. It’s proven for harsh ter­rains, proven to save lives & proven to accom­plish mis­sions. Oshkosh devel­op­ers have ensured that alter­ations car­ried out are spe­cif­ic to the needs of U.S Spe­cial Forces, includ­ing a mod­i­fied car­go deck, intend­ed to accept spe­cial­ized equip­ment based on each mission’s require­ments, and larg­er front wind­screens for increased visibility.

The exhi­bi­tion, which is tak­ing place along­side the main con­fer­ence at Inter­na­tion­al Armoured Vehi­cles, is attract­ing a huge amount of inter­est from the defence com­mu­ni­ty, with over 100 exhibitors signed up already. Oshkosh will be joined by an array of the biggest names with vehi­cle man­u­fac­tur­ers includ­ing Force Pro­tec­tion, Para­mount Group, Ive­co Defence Vehi­cles, and Nexter. 

At a time when mil­i­tary, polit­i­cal and indus­tri­al imper­a­tives come to the fore, Inter­na­tion­al Armoured Vehi­cles is an event that is per­ti­nent to Armoured Vehi­cle Community. 

Vis­it http://www.internationalarmouredvehicles.com for fur­ther details about the conference. 

Rohan Ver­ma
Exhi­bi­tions Mar­ket­ing Man­ag­er
10th Annu­al Inter­na­tion­al Armoured Vehi­cles Con­fer­ence
+44 (0) 207 368 9539

About Defence IQ: Defence IQ is host to a series of glob­al events and runs an online com­mu­ni­ty of mil­i­tary and pri­vate sec­tor pro­fes­sion­als. We pro­vide the plat­form on which lead­ing defence experts share their expe­ri­ence, knowl­edge and strate­gic thoughts. We are ded­i­cat­ed to pro­vid­ing mil­i­tary per­son­nel and the pri­vate sec­tor with strate­gic defence resources cov­er­ing cur­rent defence issues. Join the com­mu­ni­ty: www.defenceiq.com/join.cfm

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