Northrop Grumman Selected for U.S. Army’s Common Infrared Countermeasure Technical Demonstration Program

ROLLING MEADOWS, Ill. (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The U.S. Army has award­ed Northrop Grum­man Cor­po­ra­tion (NYSE:NOC) a $31.4 mil­lion con­tract for the Com­mon Infrared Coun­ter­mea­sure (CIRCM) Tech­ni­cal Demon­stra­tion (TD) pro­gram to devel­op the next gen­er­a­tion of air­craft sur­viv­abil­i­ty equip­ment to defend heli­copters against man-portable air-defense sys­tems and oth­er heat-seek­ing muni­tions.

CIRCM is a light­weight, low cost, high­ly reli­able, laser-based coun­ter­mea­sure sys­tem designed to work with mis­sile warn­ing sys­tems for rotary-wing, tilt-rotor and small, fixed-wing air­craft across the mil­i­tary services. 

“We are hon­ored to be select­ed by the U.S. Army for the CIRCM pro­gram. We are look­ing for­ward to work­ing with the Army to rapid­ly demon­strate that Northrop Grum­man has a supe­ri­or IR coun­ter­mea­sure solu­tion – a solu­tion that will first and fore­most pro­tect our nation’s warfight­ers,” said Jeff Palom­bo, vice pres­i­dent and gen­er­al man­ag­er of Northrop Grumman’s Land and Self Pro­tec­tion Sys­tems Division. 

Under the terms of the pro­gram, Northrop Grum­man and its indus­try part­ners, SELEX Galileo and Day­light Solu­tions, will deliv­er eight sets of test hard­ware in addi­tion to three full ship sets for the Army’s 21-month research, devel­op­ment, test and eval­u­a­tion pro­gram that will include reli­a­bil­i­ty test­ing, mis­sile jam­ming tests and flight tests on an Army platform. 

“Northrop Grumman’s CIRCM pro­gram solu­tion is a fifth-gen­er­a­tion sys­tem based on our indus­try-lead­ing laser-based IRCM expe­ri­ence,” said Palom­bo. “Our solu­tion pro­vides the lat­est tech­nolo­gies, is based on our clas­sic IRCM open archi­tec­ture, and is more than 50 per­cent lighter than the cur­rent­ly deployed Army laser-based IRCM systems.” 

Northrop Grum­man is an indus­try leader in Direc­tion­al Infrared Coun­ter­mea­sures sys­tem design and man­u­fac­ture. The company’s IRCM sys­tems have been installed on over 800 air­craft rep­re­sent­ing 50 dif­fer­ent air­craft types, includ­ing large and small fixed-wing, rotary-wing and tilt-wing platforms. 

Northrop Grum­man is a lead­ing glob­al secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny pro­vid­ing inno­v­a­tive sys­tems, prod­ucts and solu­tions in aero­space, elec­tron­ics, infor­ma­tion sys­tems, and tech­ni­cal ser­vices to gov­ern­ment and com­mer­cial cus­tomers world­wide. Please vis­it for more information. 

CONTACT: Ellen Hamil­ton
(224) 625‑4693 (office)
(847) 815‑0753 (mobile)

Northrop Grumman 

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