
Tajik Pres­i­dent vis­its NATO Head­quar­ters

The Pres­i­dent of Tajik­istan, Mr. Emo­ma­li Rah­mon, paid a vis­it to NATO Head­quar­ters on 11 Feb­ru­ary, and met with Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al, Mr. Jaap de Hoop Schef­fer. They dis­cussed spe­cif­ic areas of coop­er­a­tion which could be deep­ened includ­ing in the con­text of the IPAP (Indi­vid­ual Part­ner­ship Action Plan).

Pres­i­dent Rah­mon and Mr. De Hoop Schef­fer then inau­gu­rat­ed an exhi­bi­tion of select­ed paint­ings from major Tajik artists. “Build­ing trust and con­fi­dence in inter­na­tion­al relations…[is also achieved] by get­ting to know each oth­er”, said the Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al dur­ing his open­ing speech. 

Coop­er­a­tion between NATO and Tajik­istan inten­si­fied in Feb­ru­ary 2002 when Tajik­istan joined the Alliance’s Part­ner­ship for Peace programme. 


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