
NATO mar­itime group vis­its Rus­sia

NATO - FGS Mosel HS Evropi
The Com­man­der of the Stand­ing NATO Mar­itime Coun­ter­mea­sures Group 2, Com­man­der Eike Tam­men, Ger­man Navy, gets wel­comed with “Bred and Salt”, an old Russ­ian wel­come tra­di­tion on 18 July 2008 in Novorossiysk.

Naples, Italy 13 July 2008 – Units of the Stand­ing NATO Mine Counter Mea­sures Group 2 (SNMCMG2) will vis­it Novorossiysk from 18 to 21 July 2008 The vis­it is an activ­i­ty with­in in the NAVAL COOPERATION SECTION of the “NATO RUSSIA COUNCIL MILITARY REPRESENTATIVE WORK PLANS 2008 AND BEYOND”. 

The vis­it will allow NATO units to estab­lish rela­tion­ships with civil­ian and mil­i­tary author­i­ties. It rep­re­sents an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty for mil­i­tary dia­logue that will enhance under­stand­ing and may pro­mote fur­ther cooperation. 

Com­man­der of the Force is Com­man­der Eike Tam­men, Ger­man Navy, embarked on board the Flag­ship, FGS Mosel. The SNMCMG2 ships vis­it­ing Novorossyisk are:

NATO - TCG Erdemli
A young child from Novorossiysk looks with inter­est at Ger­man ice cream served on board FGS Mosel, the flag­ship of the Stand­ing NATO Mar­itime Coun­ter­mea­sures Group 2 (SNMCMG2). The ship was open to pub­lic vis­its dur­ing the first vis­it of ships of SNMCMG2 to a Russ­ian port, on 18–21 July 2008.
  • FGS Mosel (Flag­ship, Ger­man Navy)

  • HS Evropi (Mine­hunter, Greek Navy)

  • TCG Erdem­li (Mine­hunter, Turk­ish navy)

The SNMCMG‑2 is a high readi­ness Force that can be deployed as required by the Alliance. It is made up of ships from var­i­ous Allied nations. They train and oper­ate togeth­er through­out the year and par­tic­i­pate in numer­ous exer­cis­es con­duct­ed by the Alliance. As a Mine Coun­ter­mea­sures Force, the SNMCMG2 is pri­mar­i­ly tasked to counter the under­wa­ter mine threat to sea routes and pas­sages. Besides, as a NATO Force the Group per­mits to show the cohe­sion of the Alliance under the NATO flag in the dif­fer­ent port vis­its and to improve the rela­tion­ships with the dif­fer­ent vis­it­ed Nations. 

The Force rou­tine­ly con­tributes to NATO’s anti-ter­ror­ism oper­a­tion Active Endeav­our in the Mediter­ranean Sea. The Russ­ian Navy began con­tribut­ing to this oper­a­tion in Sep­tem­ber 2006 and is expect­ed to deploy the patrol ship RFS Lad­niy this sum­mer, as part of the operation. 

Quelle/Source: NATO 

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