
First NATO depos­i­to­ry library opens in Kyr­gyzs­tan

NATO Sec­re­tary General’s Spe­cial Rep­re­sen­ta­tive for Cen­tral Asia, Robert Sim­mons, inau­gu­rat­ed the first NATO deposi­tary library in the Kyr­gyz Repub­lic at the Diplo­mat­ic Acad­e­my of Bishkek on 2 Feb­ru­ary. It is the third NATO depos­i­to­ry library in Cen­tral Asia, the oth­er two being in Almaty and Astana, Kazakhstan. 

This ini­tia­tive is sup­port­ed by the NATO Pub­lic Diplo­ma­cy Divi­sion as part of the NATO-Kyr­gyz Part­ner­ship, and will help to raise pub­lic aware­ness of the Alliance and Euro-Atlantic issues in the Kyr­gyz Republic. 

To enable stu­dents, aca­d­e­mics and researchers to browse the NATO web­site for online pub­li­ca­tions and oth­er sources of infor­ma­tion, the depos­i­to­ry library can receive a com­put­er grant includ­ing access to the inter­net and a video tele­con­fer­ence (VTC) facil­i­ty through the Vir­tu­al Silk High­way project. 

The VTC can then con­nect the NATO depos­i­to­ry library with the Alliance’s head­quar­ters in Brus­sels, as well as with oth­er Cen­tral Asian coun­tries includ­ing Afghanistan. 


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