Korean Air Force and TCG discuss issues on military logistics coordination

The Kore­an Air Force Logis­tics Com­mand and the F‑16 and Proven Air­craft Tech­ni­cal Coor­di­na­tion Group (TCG) held a five-day con­fer­ence to dis­cuss the tech­ni­cal sup­port for F‑16 fight­er jets.

Offi­cials from the S. Kore­an AF Logis­tics Com­mand and the F‑16 and Proven Air­craft Tech­ni­cal Coor­di­na­tion Group (TCG) dis­cuss the tech­ni­cal sup­port for F‑16 fight­er jets. Pro­vid­ed by the unit
Source: MND, Repub­lic of Korea

TCG is a U.S. Air Force-oper­at­ed tech­ni­cal coor­di­na­tion group that fur­nish­es tech­ni­cal sup­port to the for­eign users of its major weapon sys­tem. The F‑16 TCG is in charge of sup­port­ing tech­ni­cal knowl­edge of F‑16 air­craft to its 23 for­eign cus­tomer coun­tries oper­at­ing the fight­er air­craft, includ­ing Korea and Italy. 

At the meet­ing, com­bined 46 F‑16 air­craft-relat­ed rep­re­sen­ta­tives from the two coun­tries’ Air Forces shared the oper­a­tion rates, cur­rent oper­a­tion sta­tus and acci­dent cas­es, of the two coun­tries’ F‑16 fight­ers with each oth­er and resolved any ques­tions or con­cerns regard­ing tech­niques com­ing out of on-site main­te­nance through a dis­cus­sion with the U.S. AF’s tech­ni­cal experts. 

Defi­cien­cy cause analy­sis and per­for­mance upgrade data are expect­ed to be used valu­ably for a research cur­rent­ly con­duct­ed by Kore­an Air Force on KF-16 life exten­sion and part modification. 

“This con­fer­ence enabled us to acquire advanced tech­nique knowl­edge of F‑16 air­craft and, by exchang­ing infor­ma­tion on F‑16 air­craft-relat­ed weapons sys­tem, receive more sta­ble logis­ti­cal sup­port from the U.S. Air Force,” said Col. Jeong Dong-pyo, direc­tor of the Fight­ers Man­age­ment Depart­ment of the AF Logis­tics Man­age­ment group. 

Min­istry of Nation­al Defense[MND], Repub­lic of Korea 

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