Korea/India — Joint exercises of Korean and Indian warships in waters off Busan

On a good­will mis­sion and a joint train­ing exer­cise with the Kore­an Navy, four Indi­an naval war­ships on May 29 entered Busan Naval Oper­a­tions Base.

The Indi­an Navy’s escort ship Shiv­a­lik sails into Busan Naval Oper­a­tions Base on May 29 with a sweet tune played by the band of the Navy. Pro­vid­ed by the unit
Source: MND, Repub­lic of Korea
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Com­mand­ed by Rear Admi­ral P Ajit Kumar, the Com­man­der of the East­ern Naval Fleet Com­mand, the vis­it­ing fleet con­sist­ed of destroy­er INS Rana, frigate INS Shiv­a­lik, corvette INS Kar­muk, tanker and replen­ish­ment ship INS Shak­ti, three heli­copters and 1,200-strong crew. 

Pro­por­tion­ate with the size of the India’s par­tic­i­pat­ing naval pow­er, that of Korea con­sist­ed of three war­ships includ­ing the destroy­er Chung­mu­gong Yi Sun-sin, the amphibi­ous assault ship Hyan­grobong and the frigate Daechern. 

Sailors of India vis­it­ed cul­tur­al sites and played a good­will soc­cer match over a few days to under­stand Kore­an cul­ture and strength­en mutu­al friend­ship between the two navies. 

In par­tic­u­lar, on May 31 the Kore­an Navy opened its war­ships to the pub­lic and held a joint con­cert with the Indi­an one. 

Each of the two Navies’ bands played its tra­di­tion­al and mar­tial songs An abun­dant vari­ety of col­or­ful attrac­tions Busan munic­i­pal Kore­an clas­si­cal music 

On June 2, fol­low­ing the com­ple­tion of the joint exer­cise designed to hone joint oper­a­tions capa­bil­i­ties and to con­firm mutu­al oper­abil­i­ty of defense equip­ment, the Indi­an fleet sailed for its next port of call Tokyo in Japan. 

Min­istry of Nation­al Defense[MND], Repub­lic of Korea 

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