Korea — Army artillery brigade conducts counter-firing drill aim to destroy sources of provocations

“No prob­lem with our coun­ter­fire war­fare!” The Army Cap­i­tal Defense Artillery Brigade suc­cess­ful­ly com­plet­ed a wartime coun­ter­fire war­fare drill on June 13.

K‑9 self-pro­pelled guns of the Army Cap­i­tal Defense Artillery Brigade fire their shells. Pro­vid­ed by the unit
Source: MND, Repub­lic of Korea
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Car­ried out as part of the bat­tal­ion drill that was start­ed on May 21, this artillery drill was designed pri­mar­i­ly to max­i­mize real­is­tic fir­ing skills in con­junc­tion with sur­veil­lance assets such as an artillery hunt­ing radar (ARTHUR), unmanned aer­i­al vehi­cle (UAV) and ene­my area oper­a­tions in depth. A K‑9 self-pro­pelled gun and KH-179 towed artillery bat­tal­ions of the Brigade par­tic­i­pat­ed in the drill. 

The artillery exer­cise, which began at 8 a.m. on the same day, was con­duct­ed inten­sive­ly for 10 hours. The unit intense­ly fired 200 155-mm artillery rounds to enhance coun­ter­fire war­fare capa­bil­i­ties in con­junc­tion with the detec­tion assets. 

Anoth­er aim of the drill was at ful­fill­ing what the Joint Chiefs of Staff has recent­ly stressed, that is, quick­ly pun­ish­ing the sources of the enemy’s provo­ca­tions, its sup­port forces and core com­mand posts. 

Dur­ing the drill, the par­tic­i­pat­ing unit also dis­played ways to fire hasti­ly and at max­i­mum rate of fire to hone its abil­i­ty to counter-strike the epi­cen­ter of the enemy’s provo­ca­tion and core com­mand centers. 

The hasty fire is a way to open fire shells as exem­pli­fied by the K9 Thun­der fir­ing three artillery rounds per 15 sec­onds. The max­i­mum rate of fire can be exem­pli­fied by the K9 Thun­der fir­ing 6 shells per minute and by the KH179 towed 155mm field artillery how­itzer four rounds per minute. 

The artillery exer­cise began with des­ig­nat­ing the area the unit’s shells hit as the ene­my area, and then the artillery tar­get intel­li­gence gath­ered by an ARTHUR and a UAV was sent to the All-Source Intel­li­gence Cen­ter (ASIC) of the Army Corps and the Oper­a­tions Con­trol Cen­ter (OCC) of the Artillery Brigade. 

Soon after­ward, the enemy’s posi­tion was con­firmed. Last­ly, the con­firmed artillery tar­get intel­li­gence was issued to the Brigade’s artillery bat­tal­ion, and imme­di­ate­ly the bat­tal­ion got to intense­ly fire shells towards the target. 

“We all of the unit mem­bers took part in the drill with res­olute deter­mi­na­tion, because we thought provo­ca­tions from the ene­my hap­pen before our very eyes,” said Lt. Col. Ahn Jeong-soo. “The drill offered all the bat­tal­ion mem­bers a good oppor­tu­ni­ty to prac­tice the pro­ce­dure for coun­ter­fire war­fare and strength­en our capa­bil­i­ties to stern­ly pun­ish an ene­my provo­ca­tion with pow­er­ful artillery pieces.” 

Min­istry of Nation­al Defense[MND], Repub­lic of Korea 

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