India’s Aircraft Carrier Sea Trial Postponed

Sea tri­als of the air­craft car­ri­er ‘Admi­ral Gor­shkov’ under­go­ing Russ­ian ship­yard refit, are post­poned until June.

Air­craft car­ri­er ‘Admi­ral Gorshkov’
Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

Sea tri­als of the Admi­ral Gor­shkov air­craft car­ri­er being over­hauled for the Indi­an navy at the Sev­mash ship­yard in north­ern Rus­sia have been post­poned until the begin­ning of June, the ship­yard said. 

The pur­chase of the Sovi­et-built Admi­ral Gor­shkov was agreed in 2005 but deliv­ery to India has been long delayed. The cost of refur­bish­ing the air­craft car­ri­er, to be renamed INS Vikra­ma­ditya, has since gone up from $947 mil­lion to $2.3 billion. 

The ves­sel was orig­i­nal­ly sched­uled to sail for tri­als in the White Sea and the Bar­ents Sea on May 25.The delay could have been caused by poor weath­er fore­cast in the tri­als area next week.The deliv­ery of the air­craft car­ri­er to the Indi­an navy is expect­ed in Decem­ber 2012. 

The ship has a dis­place­ment capac­i­ty of 45,000 tons. It has a max­i­mum speed of 32 knots and an endurance of 13,500 nau­ti­cal miles (25,000 km) at a cruis­ing speed of 18 knots. 


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