Indian Defence PSU’s Increase Exports To US, Europe & Asia

Since 2009-10, Defence Pub­lic Sec­tor Under­tak­ings (DPSUs) have export­ed prod­ucts worth near­ly Rs 1,815 crore to over 50 coun­tries includ­ing the US, the UK, Chi­na, and Israel, gov­ern­ment has told the Rajya Sab­ha.


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Min­is­ter of State for Defence M M Pal­lam Raju tabled a report Wednes­day pro­vid­ing the val­ue of mate­r­i­al export­ed by nine DPSUs to a total of 53 countries. 

“Over­all there is a con­tin­u­ous progress in the exports by Defence PSUs,” he said in a writ­ten reply. The total export val­ue gen­er­at­ed by the DPSUs stood at Rs 1,81,487 lakh. 

Dur­ing the last three years, Defence PSUs have export­ed prod­ucts to sev­er­al key coun­tries such as the US, the UK, Cana­da, Chi­na, Israel, Ger­many and France, he said. The coun­tries in the Indi­an sub-con­ti­nent to which prod­ucts were export­ed include Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myan­mar, Nepal and Sri Lanka. 

Max­i­mum export was gen­er­at­ed by Hin­dus­tan Aero­nau­tics Lim­it­ed (HAL) which sold mate­r­i­al worth Rs 78,306 lakh. 

Reply­ing to a ques­tion on Sainik Schools, Defence Min­is­ter A K Antony said, “At present, there are 24 Sainik Schools in the coun­try. In-prin­ci­ple approval has been giv­en to set up three new schools in Sam­balpur (Oris­sa), Sagar (Mad­hya Pradesh) and Chit­toor (Andhra Pradesh).” 


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