India Test-Fires Air Force Version Of Akash

India on Fri­day suc­cess­ful­ly test fired its two indige­nous­ly-devel­oped sur­face-to-air ‘Akash’ mis­siles of Air Force ver­sion with a strike range of 25 km from the Inte­grat­ed Test Range at Chandipur.

Sur­face-to-air ‘Akash’ missiles

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

“Two Air Force ver­sion Akash mis­siles were test-fired from the ITR in quick suc­ces­sion. Both the tri­als were suc­cess­ful and met all the mis­sion objec­tives,” The Hin­du quot­ed ITR Direc­tor M V K V Prasad as saying. 

The anti-air­craft mis­siles, with a strike range of 25 km and capa­ble of car­ry­ing war­head of 60 kgs, were test fired from a mobile launch­er at launch com­plex-III of the ITR

The tri­al, which formed part of the country’s rou­tine air defence exer­cis­es, was con­duct­ed at around noon, said an offi­cial of Defence Research Devel­op­ment Organ­i­sa­tion (DRDO) asso­ci­at­ed with the Akash mis­sile project. 

To re-val­i­date the tech­nol­o­gy and oper­a­tional effi­ca­cy of the mis­sile, defence forces con­duct­ed the tri­al with logis­tic sup­port pro­vid­ed by the ITR, the offi­cial said. The Akash weapon sys­tem, which has its Army ver­sion too, was induct­ed into the armed forces in 2008. India’s Fri­day test-fire came after Pakistan’s indige­nous­ly devel­oped Air Launched Cruise Mis­sile, Hatf-VIII (Ra’ad) test on May 31. 


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