India Raising More Offensive Corps

India is rais­ing more offen­sive corps and tak­ing oth­er steps to gear up it’s pre­pared­ness along Chi­na bor­der to meet the chal­lenges, Indi­an Defence Min­is­ter A.K. Antony said as he pitched for a sub­stan­tial hike in defence bud­get to meet this chang­ing threat per­cep­tion.


Terming the grow­ing mil­i­tary ties between Pak­istan and Chi­na a ‘cause of con­cern’, he said the armed forces have been issued a new direc­tive to change their strat­e­gy to meet the chal­lenges. “Now we have giv­en a new direc­tive to our armed forces to meet the new chal­lenges in con­text of the new threat per­cep­tion faced by the coun­try,” he said. 

Antony said, “After analy­sis of the threat per­cep­tion, we have found that the pic­ture is prob­lem­at­ic. We will need to have a sec­ond look at the defence bud­get. We have been giv­en Rs 1.93 lakh crore this year but as per the esti­mat­ed require­ment of the armed forces, we would want Rs 2.39 lakh crore. We want Rs 45,716 crore more. I have asked the gov­ern­ment to pro­vide us more mon­ey.” The min­is­ter was reply­ing to a dis­cus­sion on the per­for­mance of his Min­istry in the Rajya Sabha. 

On steps tak­en by the gov­ern­ment to strength­en defence capa­bil­i­ties, Antony said “Under 12th Defence Plan, we have sent a pro­pos­al to Finance Min­istry to raise an offen­sive corps with two spe­cial divi­sions and it is in final stages. 

“The force-lev­el has been increased sub­stan­tial­ly.” He said the gov­ern­ment had ear­li­er approved rais­ing of two moun­tain divi­sions along with a spe­cial forces bat­tal­ion, an artillery brigade and an armoured reg­i­ment for deploy­ment in the north­east sector. 


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