India — ISRO To Build A Third Launch Pad At Spaceport

ISRO is plan­ning to devel­op a third launch pad at India’s space­port Sri­hariko­ta to launch over 60 mis­sions over the next five years.

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

ISRO’s order book is full and it needs to aug­ment it’s launch capac­i­ty to cater to the grow­ing demand. ISRO is con­duc­tiong a fea­si­bil­i­ty study for devel­op­ing the spaceport. 

The new launch pad will help ISRO aug­ment the fre­quen­cy of mis­sions, which is nec­es­sary to meet its ambi­tious tar­gets. ISRO has firm plans to launch 24 mis­sions in the next 24 months. The new launch pad will be used to launch Geo­syn­chro­nous Satel­lite Launch Vehi­cle Mark III (GSLV Mk-III) that can car­ry heav­ier satel­lites as also by the reusable launch vehi­cle, India’s own ver­sion of a space shuttle. 

The new launch pad will have a new vehi­cle assem­bly build­ing, mobile pedestals, tow­ers, emer­gency exists, safe­ty bunkers, mate­r­i­al han­dling equip­ment and many more elec­tri­cal systems. 

ISRO also plans to build a ‘Space Park’ next to the space­port. With mul­ti­ple suc­cess­ful launch­es by ISRO, the world is que­ing up to launch their satel­lites on Isro’s Polar Satel­lite Launch Vehi­cle. Satel­lite launch is a mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar world busi­ness and ISRO is clear­ly steal­ing the show with it’s low cost & afford­able launch vehicles. 

The moment ISRO starts build­ing a launch vehi­cle for a space launch, the launch­pad gets blocked for near­ly two months till the launch of a satel­lite. With Isro set­ting a tar­get of 24 mis­sions in 24 months, more launch­pads become a necessity. 

Besides com­mu­ni­ca­tions satel­lites, ISRO has plans to launch Chan­drayaan-II. This will be the sequel to the suc­cess­ful moon mis­sion Chandrayaan‑I. Even­tu­al­ly ISRO will launch satel­lites to study the Sun, send a probe to Mars and con­duct a human space flight. 


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