India-Built Systems On US Navy’s Combat Planes

India’s Defence PSU Bharat Elec­tron­ics Ltd will deliv­er the indige­nous­ly pro­duced cock­pit sub-assem­bly for the Boeing’s EA-18G Growler elec­tron­ic attack air­craft.

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Boe­ing deliv­ered its first EA-18G to the US Navy ear­li­er this month. The aircraft’s cock­pit will receive flood­light­ing that is com­pat­i­ble with the onboard Night Vision Imag­ing Sys­tem (NVIS).

BEL has pro­duced oth­er parts for the EA-18G which include a com­plex-machined stowage pan­el for the Joint Hel­met Mount­ed Cue­ing Sys­tem con­nec­tor cable, and an avion­ics cool­ing sys­tem fan test switch pan­el with an NVIS-com­pat­i­ble flood­light assembly. 

The BEL-made cock­pit sub­assem­blies will also be installed on Boe­ing F/A‑18E/F Super Hor­nets. The ini­tial con­tract was award­ed to BEL in March 2011 with the option to renew annu­al­ly for up to four years. Boe­ing has recent­ly exer­cised that option and has renewed the con­tract for anoth­er year. 

BEL con­tin­ues to demon­strate its capa­bil­i­ties and its posi­tion as a val­ued part­ner to Boe­ing,” said Den­nis Swan­son, Vice Pres­i­dent of Inter­na­tion­al Busi­ness Devel­op­ment for Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty in India. “BEL’s work on P‑8I, Super Hor­nets and Growlers is anoth­er exam­ple of how Indi­an com­pa­nies are becom­ing a part of the glob­al sup­ply chain while Boe­ing helps them expand their oppor­tu­ni­ties across the glob­al aero­space industry”. 

Head­quar­tered in Ban­ga­lore, BEL also pro­vides Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion Friend or Foe inter­roga­tors and Data Link II com­mu­ni­ca­tions sys­tems for the Indi­an Navy’s fleet of P‑8I mar­itime recon­nais­sance aircraft. 


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