India — Arjun Mk-II Gets Ready To Compete Russian T‑90 Tank

A pro­to­type of the improved main Arjun Mk-II bat­tle tank is now ful­ly ready for field shoot­ing tests.

main Arjun Mk-II bat­tle tank
Armored Vehicles, Main Battle Tanks
Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about Armored Vehi­cles and Main Bat­tle Tanks 

The field tri­als are stat­ed to be car­ried out at the Pokhran fir­ing range in the state of Rajas­tan. The Indi­an army will com­mence test­ing on the 1st of June 2012. 

The dec­la­ra­tion of the test­ing of the Arjun Mk-II pro­to­type comes a few weeks after Rus­sia pre­sent­ed an improved ver­sion of the T‑90 tank at the Def­ex­po 2012 exhi­bi­tion in New Del­hi. The tim­ing is no coin­ci­dence and DRDO is aggres­sive­ly build­ing a tank that can out­class one of the best tanks in the world. Rus­sia has done every­thing to prove that it’s T‑90 sur­pass­es the Arjun in all respects and DRDO is clear­ly not in a mood to accept that. 

Accord­ing to India’s DRDO (Defence Research and Devel­op­ment Organ­i­sa­tion), a com­par­i­son of the T‑90’s lat­est ver­sion with the Arjun Mk‑I in 2010 showed that the for­mer was infe­ri­or in a num­ber of areas. 

There is a clear-cut cor­re­spon­dence: every order the Arjun los­es direct­ly ben­e­fits the T‑90 and vice ver­sa. This will set the stage for the tests of the Arjun Mk-II, which is why the inter­est­ed par­ties will pay very close atten­tion to both the Arjun Mk-II and the T‑90s.

The Indi­an Army’s deci­sion to pur­chase these sophis­ti­cat­ed tanks in large num­bers will depend on the over­all com­par­a­tive analy­sis. The Indi­an mil­i­tary plans to buy 124 Mk-II units in the ini­tial stage, if the tests go smoothly. 


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