India — Agni-VI In The Making — 10000 km Range ICBM

India is capa­ble of com­fort­ably devel­op­ing mis­siles that can hit tar­gets locat­ed at more than 10,000 km away. The country’s defence estab­lish­ment is now gear­ing up to go for the maid­en devel­op­ment tri­al of Agni-VI mis­sile with­in next two years notwith­stand­ing inter­na­tion­al reac­tions and pres­sures.

Agni ICBM mis­siles will have a strike range of 8,000 km to 10,000 km
Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about: 

The next gen­er­a­tion of the Agni ICBM mis­siles will have a strike range of 8,000 km to 10,000 km. The draw­ing and design­ing work of the Agni-VI has already started. 

“It will be a three-stage mis­sile and taller than the Agni‑V. The design is just tak­ing shape and oth­er sub sys­tems are under devel­op­ment. If every­thing goes as per the pro­gramme, the mis­sile will be ready by mid 2014,” said the source. 

The DRDO has already crossed the ‘thresh­old’ of mak­ing a sys­tem with longer capa­bil­i­ty and devel­op­ing it’s sub-sys­tems, thus mak­ing a longer ver­sion of Agni‑V would be easier. 

The Agni‑V can also dou­ble up as a satel­lite launch­er for hurl­ing small-sized space­craft into the space. 

The Agni-VI is said to be the lat­est and most advanced ver­sion among the Agni series of mis­siles. It will have the capa­bil­i­ty to be launched from sub­ma­rine and from land-based launch­ers. The DRDO is also work­ing on inte­grat­ing Agni‑V with submarine. 

Apart from the Agni-VI’s ground ver­sion, the DRDO is also simul­ta­ne­ous­ly work­ing out for its under­ground vari­ant. The sub­ma­rine launched ver­sion of the mis­sile will arm the Ari­hant class sub­marines of the Indi­an Navy. This mis­sile with a strike range of 6,000 kilo­me­ters can car­ry a pay­load of one tonne. 

India is seri­ous­ly con­tem­plat­ing to enhance the reach of it’s strate­gic missiles. 


The web­site is ded­i­cat­ed to give a com­plete, swift and day-to-day cov­er­age of all the lat­est hap­pen­ings in the world of Indi­an Defence and Aero­space in an accu­rate, objec­tive, cred­i­ble and com­pre­hen­sive manner. 

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