India — 482 MiG Aircraft Accidents Since 1971

There are no dis­sent in the top brass of the Indi­an Air Force and defence estab­lish­ment that the MiG-21s have become obso­lete. But nonethe­less, the IAF is com­pelled to fly these vin­tage war machines owing to its low squadron strength.

Here you can find more infor­ma­tion about the Indi­an Defense Sector 

The IAF has open­ly praised these machines — which no doubt were a delight for the avi­a­tors dur­ing its hey days, but behind the doors they do accept that they are need­ed to be replaced immediately. 

Sta­tis­tics tabled in the Parliament- 

“A total of 872 MiG air­craft of var­i­ous types were pur­chased from 1966–1980. The MiG series air­craft were induct­ed start­ing from MiG-21 in 1960s/1970s to MiG-29 in 1980s. These air­craft were pur­chased as per rules/procedures of that peri­od. At present the pro­cure­ment of cap­i­tal equip­ment is car­ried out as per Defence Pro­cure­ment Procedure. 

The train­ing of ini­tial batch­es of pilots for MiG series air­craft was car­ried out in erst­while USSR, fol­lowed by train­ing for the rest of the pilots in India. The pro­cure­ment cas­es involv­ing Russ­ian ori­gin MiG-21 Bis & MiG-27 air­craft involved Trans­fer of Tech­nol­o­gy (ToT) and license pro­duc­tion by HAL

482 MiG air­craft acci­dents took place since Finan­cial Year (FY) 1971–72 to FY 2012–13 (till 19th April 2012). 

A total of 171 pilots, 39 civil­ians, 8 ser­vice per­son­nel and 1 air­crew lost their lives in these acci­dents. The caus­es of acci­dents were both human error and tech­ni­cal defects.” 


The web­site is ded­i­cat­ed to give a com­plete, swift and day-to-day cov­er­age of all the lat­est hap­pen­ings in the world of Indi­an Defence and Aero­space in an accu­rate, objec­tive, cred­i­ble and com­pre­hen­sive manner. 

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