HQ-Infantry: Lieutenant Colonel Tony Marinos from British Army to Address Required Fire Capabilities

17th August 2011, Lon­don , UK 

Lieu­tenant Colonel Tony Mari­nos , SO1 Capa­bil­i­ty, Force Devel­op­ment Branch, HQ Infantry, British Army , will be address­ing how to sup­port deliv­ery of indi­rect fire capa­bil­i­ties at the Future Mor­tar Sys­tems con­fer­ence, Sep­tem­ber 27 th ‑28 th 2011, at the Sher­a­ton Park Lane Hotel in Lon­don , Unit­ed King­dom .

Head­quar­ters Infantry exists to give direc­tion and advice on com­bat and infantry mat­ters to opti­mise defence capa­bil­i­ties. Lt Col Mari­nos will pro­vide a roadmap for bat­tal­ion, com­pa­ny, and pla­toon lev­el advances with­in the British Army and dis­cuss the UK ’s indi­rect fire role in inter­na­tion­al oper­a­tions. For instance, speak­ing on the Infantry’s part­ner­ship with BAE Sys­tems ( Press Release , June 2011), Lt Col Mari­nos com­ment­ed on the impor­tance of feed­back from front-line oper­a­tions and the impact that this has on improv­ing tanks and mod­u­lar armour systems: 

With the dynam­ic nature of oper­a­tions in Afghanistan , part­nered, time­ly approach­es (…) which quick­ly take on board lessons learned from the front line, can give our troops the fine-tuned equip­ment they need to do their jobs as safe­ly and effec­tive­ly as possible.” 

As part of his pre­sen­ta­tion, Lt Col. Mari­nos will study future direc­tions of the Infantry and uncov­er gaps in armour sys­tems that demands for new indus­try solu­tions. He will be accom­pa­nied by inter­na­tion­al experts such as Lieu­tenant Colonel Joakim Lewin , Head of Indi­rect Fire Sys­tems Office, Swedish FMV , who will out­line require­ments for 120mm mor­tar sys­tems, incor­po­rat­ing night-time use capabilities. 

Addi­tion­al speak­ers to review how to improve indi­rect fire sys­tems include: 

•  Lieu­tenant Colonel Mark Brock , Chief of Tar­get­ing Divi­sion, JACI, FCoE , US Army 

•  Major Bon­nard , 35ème Para­chute Artillery Reg­i­ment, French Army

•  Major Jacques De Bei­je r, Chief, Tar­get Engage­ment and Ammu­ni­tions Sec­tion, Fire Sup­port Train­ing Cen­tre, Roy­al Nether­lands Army 

•  Major Den­nis Nup­pe­nau , Act­ing Chief, Doc­tri­nal Branch, Dan­ish Army Fire Sup­port Centre 

To access fur­ther details on exclu­sive speak­er ses­sions, vis­it www.future-mortars.co.uk or down­load the pro­gramme agen­da . Vis­i­tors can also resource the media cen­tre for news from the indi­rect fire community. 

Defence IQ has a lim­it­ed num­ber of free pass­es avail­able to mil­i­tary offi­cers, please access by request­ing a pass from Johan­na Mikkela at defence@iqpc.co.uk.

The Defence IQ group is open for mem­ber­ship at http://www.linkedin.com/groups.




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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Johan­na Mikkela | IQPC, 2nd Floor, 129 Wilton Road , Lon­don SW1V 1JZ | Tel: +44 20 7368 9737 


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