— Studies: The New Information Portal of

A rapid­ly chang­ing secu­ri­ty polit­i­cal sit­u­a­tion in the world is the chal­lenge for coun­tries, pol­i­tics, and the world pop­u­la­tion. But also the indus­try and the ser­vice providers have an increas­ing demand for information. 

To meet this increas­ing demand joined forces with an impor­tant, strate­gic act­ing glob­al part­ner “Strate­gic Defence Intel­li­gence” or bet­ter known as “ICD Research”.


Strate­gic Defence Intel­li­gence is the research and busi­ness infor­ma­tion arm of Pro­gres­sive Dig­i­tal Media Group. Strate­gic Defence Intel­li­gence pro­vides indus­try-lead­ing mar­ket research and busi­ness infor­ma­tion. Expe­ri­enced and moti­vat­ed researchers, ana­lysts and jour­nal­ists track the mar­kets to pro­vide you with com­pre­hen­sive reports. 

In the course of this part­ner­ship is able to pro­vide you with detailed reports about secu­ri­ty, coun­tries and the defense sec­tor. Use this knowl­edge advantage! 

Here are some exam­ples what you can find on — Stud­ies:

Armored Vehi­cles

  • Main Bat­tle Tanks
  • Armored Per­son­nel Carriers


  • UAV market
  • Mil­i­tary air­craft market

Defense Expen­di­tures

  • Home­land Secu­ri­ty Expen­di­ture in China
  • Defense Expen­di­ture in Germany

Defense Indus­try Fore­casts

  • Overview of the Ger­man defense industry
  • Overview of the US defense industry
  • Overview of the Israeli defense industry
  • Overview of the Chi­nese defense industry
  • Overview of the Indi­an defense industry


  • Sub­marines in Asia-Pacific
  • Glob­al Naval Ves­sels and Sur­face Com­bat­ants market


  • Glob­al Cyber War­fare market
  • Glob­al C2/C4ISR market
  • Defense US Top 10: Com­pa­ny Guide

Team GlobDef

Seit 2001 ist im Internet unterwegs, um mit eigenen Analysen, interessanten Kooperationen und umfassenden Informationen für einen spannenden Überblick der Weltlage zu sorgen. war dabei die erste deutschsprachige Internetseite, die mit dem Schwerpunkt Sicherheitspolitik außerhalb von Hochschulen oder Instituten aufgetreten ist.

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