General Dynamics Bath Iron Works Awarded Contract to Build Additional DDG 51-class Destroyer

BATH, Maine – The U. S. Navy has award­ed Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Bath Iron Works, a sub­sidiary of Gen­er­al Dynam­ics (NYSE: GD), a $663 mil­lion mod­i­fi­ca­tion to a pre­vi­ous­ly award­ed con­tract to con­struct DDG 116, an Arleigh Burke-class guid­ed mis­sile destroy­er.

DDG 116 is the fourth ship in the Navy’s Arleigh Burke-class con­struc­tion-con­tin­u­a­tion pro­gram. Bath Iron Works is also under con­tract for the con­struc­tion of DDG 115, the third ship in the program. 

Jeff Geiger, pres­i­dent of Bath Iron Works, said, “All of us at Bath Iron Works are very pleased the Navy chose to build DDG 116 in Bath. This addi­tion­al work will enable us to fur­ther refine our ship­build­ing process­es, reduce costs and main­tain the lev­el of Bath-built qual­i­ty which the Navy expects from us. We under­stand the impor­tance of afford­abil­i­ty in today’s chal­leng­ing eco­nom­ic times and we’re com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing the Navy high­ly capa­ble, afford­able ships while main­tain­ing qual­i­ty Maine ship­build­ing jobs that con­tribute to our nation­al security.” 

DDG 51 mul­ti-mis­sion guid­ed mis­sile destroy­ers oper­ate in sup­port of car­ri­er bat­tle groups, sur­face action groups, amphibi­ous groups and replen­ish­ment groups, pro­vid­ing a com­plete array of anti-sub­ma­rine, anti-air and anti-sur­face capa­bil­i­ties. Designed for sur­viv­abil­i­ty, the ships incor­po­rate all-steel con­struc­tion and have gas tur­bine propul­sion. The com­bi­na­tion of the ships’ Aegis com­bat sys­tem, the ver­ti­cal launch­ing sys­tem, an advanced anti-sub­ma­rine war­fare sys­tem, two embarked SH-60 heli­copters, advanced anti-air­craft mis­siles and Tom­a­hawk anti-ship and land-attack mis­siles make the Arleigh Burke class the most pow­er­ful sur­face com­bat­ant ever put to sea. 

Gen­er­al Dynamics 

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