General Dynamics Awarded $8 Million for F/A‑18E/F Gun Systems

CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Arma­ment and Tech­ni­cal Prod­ucts, a busi­ness unit of Gen­er­al Dynam­ics (NYSE: GD), has been award­ed a $7.8 mil­lion con­tract mod­i­fi­ca­tion from the Naval Air Sys­tems Com­mand for pro­duc­tion of more than 20 F/A‑18 E/F 20mm gun sys­tems for the Super Hor­net fight­er air­craft.

The F/A‑18 E/F gun sys­tem is com­posed of a light­weight, six-bar­rel 20mm M61A2 Gatling gun equipped with a closed-loop rotary lin­k­less feed sys­tem. The sys­tem has a max­i­mum fir­ing rate of up to 6,000 shots per minute and serves as the aircraft’s last line of defense in close-in aer­i­al engagements. 

“Gen­er­al Dynam­ics has suc­cess­ful­ly pro­duced the weapon sys­tem for the F/A‑18 for more than 25 years,” said Steve Elgin, vice pres­i­dent and gen­er­al man­ag­er of arma­ment sys­tems for Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Arma­ment and Tech­ni­cal Prod­ucts. “The M61A2 F/A‑18 gun sys­tem con­tin­ues to be rel­e­vant, afford­able and extreme­ly effective.” 

The pro­gram will be man­aged from the Gen­er­al Dynam­ics Tech­nol­o­gy Cen­ter in Willis­ton, Vt. Pro­duc­tion work will be com­plet­ed at the Gen­er­al Dynam­ics facil­i­ty in Saco, Maine, which employs more than 400 people. 

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