Future Artillery India

Direc­tor Gen­er­al of Indi­an Artillery to Join Inter­na­tion­al Artillery Com­man­ders in New Del­hi to Dis­cuss World’s Largest Artillery Mod­erni­sa­tion Programme 

23 March 2011, Lon­don, UK
alt Senior offi­cers respon­si­ble for the artillery mod­erni­sa­tion pro­gramme of the Indi­an Armed Forces will be deliv­er­ing pre­sen­ta­tions along­side inter­na­tion­al artillery com­man­ders at Defence IQ’s Future Artillery India con­fer­ence, tak­ing place 20th-22nd June 2011 at Le Méri­di­en New Del­hi, India.

As the country’s Armed Forces embark upon an esti­mat­ed US $8 bil­lion upgrade pro­gramme, Indi­an Gen­er­als from the Direc­torate of Artillery, Indi­an Min­istry of Defence and asso­ci­at­ed lab­o­ra­to­ries will pro­vide detailed, high-lev­el briefs on cur­rent capa­bil­i­ties and their spe­cif­ic plans for modernisation. 

They will be joined by senior artillery com­man­ders from around the world to dis­cuss the lat­est advances in doc­trine, strat­e­gy and oper­a­tional feed­back from the front line. 

The expert speak­er pan­el includes: 

  • Lt Gen­er­al J.P. Singh, Deputy Chief of the Army Staff (Pol­i­cy and Sys­tems), Indi­an Army
  • Lt Gen­er­al Vin­od Naya­nar, Direc­tor Gen­er­al, Direc­torate of Artillery, Indi­an Army
  • Major Gen­er­al PK Chakra­vorty, VSM, Addi­tion­al Direc­tor Gen­er­al Artillery, Inte­grat­ed Head­quar­ters of the Min­istry of Defence, Indi­an Armed Forces
  • Shri S. Sun­daresh, Chief Con­troller R&D (Arma­ment and Com­bat Engi­neer­ing), DRDO
  • Dr Anil Dat­tar, Direc­tor, Arma­ment Research and Devel­op­ment Estab­lish­ment, DRDO
  • Major Gen­er­al David Halver­son, Com­mand­ing Gen­er­al of Fires Cen­tre of Excel­lence, US Army
  • Major Gen­er­al Thier­ry Ollivi­er, Com­man­der, Force Employ­ment and Doc­trine Cen­tre, French Army
  • Brigadier Gen­er­al David Schuis­sa, Chief of Artillery Corps, Israeli Defence Force

“Future Artillery India will offer a unique oppor­tu­ni­ty to exchange views on tech­nol­o­gy, con­cept and employ­ment of artillery with reput­ed serv­ing offi­cers, sci­en­tists and engi­neers from around the world. It will be the artillery event of the sum­mer”, con­firms Colonel (Ret’d) A.K. Shar­ma, for­mer Indi­an Army Offi­cer and Edi­tor of the South Asian Defence & Strate­gic Review.

Defence IQ is offer­ing mem­bers of the Indi­an Armed Forces, as well as all serv­ing inter­na­tion­al Flag Offi­cers 1* and above, a free pass to attend the con­fer­ence. Pass­es can be request­ed from Calum Jef­fray at defence@iqpc.co.uk

Addi­tion­al infor­ma­tion is avail­able at www.FutureArtilleryIndia.com, along with com­pli­men­ta­ry arti­cles, pod­casts and pre­sen­ta­tions in the web­site Down­load Cen­tre. The Defence IQ — Mil­i­tary Com­mu­ni­ty LinkedIn group is open for mem­ber­ship, and relat­ed con­tent can be found at www.defenceiq.com.

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Calum Jef­fray | IQPC, 2nd Floor, 129 Wilton Road, Lon­don SW1V 1JZ | Tel: +44 20 7368 9300 

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