Forces in Afghanistan Capture Haqqani Terrorist

WASHINGTON, March 15, 2011 — Act­ing on intel­li­gence reports, Afghan and coali­tion forces cap­tured a Haqqani ter­ror­ist net­work facil­i­ta­tor and detained two oth­er sus­pect­ed insur­gents in the Khost dis­trict of Afghanistan’s Khost province yes­ter­day, mil­i­tary offi­cials report­ed.
The facil­i­ta­tor pro­vid­ed finan­cial, media and logis­ti­cal sup­port to the net­work and recent­ly coor­di­nat­ed the deliv­ery of road­side bombs for an upcom­ing attack, offi­cials said.

In oth­er oper­a­tions around Afghanistan yesterday: 

— Afghan and coali­tion forces act­ing on intel­li­gence infor­ma­tion in Zab­ul province’s Sha­joy dis­trict cap­tured a Tal­iban leader respon­si­ble for road­side-bomb activity. 

— In Hel­mand province’s Kaja­ki dis­trict, a coali­tion patrol killed four insur­gents after see­ing them set­ting up fir­ing positions. 

— In Helmand’s Nahr‑e Sar­ij dis­trict, a coali­tion patrol found an ene­my stock­pile con­sist­ing of sev­en pres­sure plates, 11 saw blades, 10 met­al pieces, five met­al cylin­ders, three foam pieces, two car­bon rods, three rifle tail fins, a rifle pro­pel­lant, a bag of explo­sives, four anti-per­son­nel mines, two rock­et fus­es, 10 bags of shrap­nel, a bag of pro­pel­lant, three jugs of adhe­sive and two hacksaws. 

— A coali­tion patrol in Kan­da­har province’s Spin Boldak dis­trict found 10,000 pounds of ammo­ni­um nitrate — a banned fer­til­iz­er used in mak­ing road­side bombs –- as well as six com­plete road­side bombs, 10 pres­sure plates and 300 feet of det­o­na­tion cord. 

— Act­ing on intel­li­gence infor­ma­tion, Afghan and coali­tion forces in Log­ar province’s Charkh dis­trict cap­tured a Tal­iban mem­ber involved in a bomb-attack net­work. He was direct­ly involved in boo­by-trap­ping a house with explo­sives in the Charkh Bazaar on Feb. 28, offi­cials said. 

— In Pak­tia province’s Zor­mat dis­trict and Khost province’s Khost dis­trict, Afghan and coali­tion forces search­ing for Haqqani net­work facil­i­ta­tors detained sev­er­al sus­pect­ed insurgents. 

— Sev­er­al insur­gents were killed after attack­ing a coali­tion patrol in Helmand’s Reg‑e Khan Neshin district. 

— Afghan and coali­tion forces in Helmand’s Nahr‑e Saraj dis­trict found five 150 mm shells linked to a pres­sure plate, two high-explo­sive rounds and two 107 mm rockets. 

— In Kapisa province’s Tagab dis­trict, a com­bined Afghan and coali­tion patrol found 103 9 mm rounds, 30 hand grenades, a bay­o­net, 257 7.62 mm rounds, two com­bat jack­ets and var­i­ous handguns. 

— Afghan and coali­tion in Kab­ul province’s Musahi dis­trict found 100 rock­et-pro­pelled grenades. 

Com­piled from Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand News Releases 

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