The CARIFORUM and the EU will identify shared priorities and challenges to be addressed in the context of the joint strategy. These priorities could include:
a) Regional Integration and Cooperation in the wider Caribbean, with particular attention to:
- Promotion of Sustainable Development, through the building of capacity in the implementation of the EPA; development of enterprise; promoting innovation and competition; increasing investments and exports including in the areas of agro-industry and tourism; development of infrastructure networks and a skilled mobile labour force; generating wealth, social cohesion and poverty alleviation;
- Promotion of Human and Social Development, through education and training; food and energy security; health and wellness; youth, gender and culture.
b) Reconstruction and Institutional Support to Haiti, through a long term and sustainable programme of cooperation between the CARIFORUM and the EU, taking account of the development goals and strategy defined by Haiti.
c) Climate Change and Natural Disasters, with special reference to capacity building, adaptation, mitigation and post disaster reconstruction.
d) Crime and Security, including the trafficking of illegal drugs and arms
e) Joint Action in Bi-regional, Multilateral and Global fora, including:
- Promotion of human rights, democratic values and governance
- reform of the United Nations and the international financial system and institutions
- coordinated response to the global financial and economic crisis
- attainment of the Millennium Development Goals
- pursuit of the Doha Development Agenda