3082nd FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting
Luxembourg, 12 April 2011
The Council adopted the following conclusions:
“1. The Council is extremely concerned at the situation in Syria. It deplores the many deaths resulting from ongoing violence, strongly condemns the use of force by the security forces against peaceful demonstrators and urges the authorities to exercise restraint. The Council calls for the immediate release of those arrested in connection with the peaceful demonstrations. The Council calls on the Syrian authorities to investigate the deaths of protestors and to bring those responsible to account through a fair and transparent process.
2. The Council calls on the Syrian authorities to respond urgently to the legitimate demands of the Syrian people including through the lifting of the state of emergency. It underlines the importance of a clear and credible programme of political reform and the announced intention for political reforms must be more ambitious and backed by a concrete timetable for their implementation. It takes note of the appointment of a new Prime Minister and looks forward to the formation of a new government that should urgently launch the necessary reforms.
3. The Council notes the announced formation of a number of committees to review legislation and expects them to produce substantive proposals towards an inclusive, open and representative government. The Syrian authorities must abide by their international commitments with regards to ensuring respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms including freedom of assembly, expression and media. The Council calls on the Syrian authorities to release without further delay all political prisoners and human rights defenders.
4. The Council will monitor events closely and stands ready to review its policies towards Syria as appropriate, including by supporting, once launched, a genuine process of reform.”
Council of the European Union