Counter Terror Expo 2010 — Record attendance reflects threat from terrorism remains high

Press Release
Clar­i­on Events Ltd.

In excess of 6900 atten­dees passed through Olympia’s Nation­al Hall doors for Counter Ter­ror Expo 2010 last week, suc­cinct­ly demon­strat­ing that the threat from ter­ror­ism remains acute and demand for solu­tions to the issues we face con­tin­ues to be high.

Held against a back­drop of a world beat­ing high lev­el con­fer­ence pro­gramme and mul­ti­ple spe­cial­ist work­shops, some 327 brand lead­ers in the counter ter­ror­ism sec­tor exhib­it­ed the lat­est tech­niques and tech­nolo­gies to a glob­al mar­ket space ful­ly expect­ed to dou­ble in val­ue over the next eight years. 

The very high atten­dance fig­ures indi­cate, as if such an indi­ca­tion were need­ed, that the threat from inter­na­tion­al ter­ror­ism has not abat­ed. The attack on a Detroit bound air­lin­er in Decem­ber of last year and the more recent bomb­ings on the Moscow metro sys­tem are but two exam­ples of this fact. Such con­tin­u­ing attacks world­wide demon­strate that much still needs to be accom­plished to pro­tect assets and peo­ple from those with the intent to do harm. 

“Ter­ror­ism clear­ly remains a top agen­da issue for gov­ern­ments the world over. Where­as ter­ror­ist attacks were his­tor­i­cal­ly seen as attacks against the State and there­fore for the State to address, recent years have seen a recog­ni­tion build with­in the cor­po­rate world glob­al­ly that it also has a role to play in pro­tect­ing phys­i­cal assets, work­force, and cus­tomer base. Con­se­quent­ly, the mar­ket­place con­tin­ues to expand expo­nen­tial­ly,” com­ments a spokesper­son for Counter Ter­ror Expo. 

Britain itself ranks sixth glob­al­ly in terms of val­ue of sales in the counter ter­ror­ism sec­tor and believes it can expand with what it calls a lead­ing edge in sur­veil­lance and bomb detec­tion. Focused specif­i­cal­ly toward the needs of the counter ter­ror­ism sec­tor, the event is firm­ly estab­lished as the top glob­al forum in which to debate the threats we face, dis­cuss solu­tions to them and iden­ti­fy lead­ing providers to do mean­ing­ful busi­ness with. 

Such has been the unprece­dent­ed demand from the sec­tor, that Counter Ter­ror Expo will move to the much larg­er Grand Hall of London’s pres­ti­gious Olympia Exhi­bi­tion and Con­fer­ence Cen­tre in 2011. The moves pro­vides addi­tion­al exhi­bi­tion space, enhanced con­fer­ence facil­i­ties and improved ser­vices for those attend­ing or vis­it­ing the event includ­ing fast track registration. 

Counter Ter­ror Expo 2011 is already a near sell out with around 500 of the world’s lead­ing solu­tions providers expect­ed to attend. 

Counter Ter­ror Expo 2011 will be held 19–20 April. Ends. 

About Counter Ter­ror Expo
Counter Ter­ror Expo is the world lead­ing gath­er­ing of inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned experts in the field togeth­er com­bined with the world’s lead­ing exhi­bi­tion of tech­nique and tech­nol­o­gy solu­tions. Held annu­al­ly in the host city of the 2012 Olympic Games, this world beat­ing gath­er­ing is the prin­ci­pal cal­en­dar event of the year for counter ter­ror­ism pro­fes­sion­als from across the globe. 

More Infor­ma­tion
For more infor­ma­tion about Counter Ter­ror Expo, con­tact Nico­la Green­away-Fuller on 0208 542 9090 or email to

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