Combined Security Force Kills Several Insurgents

WASHINGTON, July 14, 2011 — An Afghan-led com­bined secu­ri­ty force killed six Haqqani net­work fight­ers includ­ing one armed adult female insur­gent dur­ing an oper­a­tion in the Khost dis­trict of Afghanistan’s Khost province yes­ter­day, mil­i­tary offi­cials report­ed.

The secu­ri­ty force was attacked by sev­er­al armed insur­gents while attempt­ing to clear a com­pound near a coali­tion base in the dis­trict. Mul­ti­ple insur­gents, armed with AK-47 rifles and pis­tols, fired at the secu­ri­ty force. The force engaged the insur­gents, killing three. 

As the com­bined force con­tin­ued to search the com­pound, anoth­er insur­gent attempt­ed to engage the force with his AK-47 and was killed. Almost imme­di­ate­ly after, a female insur­gent, armed with a pis­tol, fired on the secu­ri­ty force. The force returned fire, killing her. 

The tar­get of the oper­a­tion was a Haqqani leader respon­si­ble for indi­rect fire attacks against the Afghan Nation­al Army and the trans­fer of weapons and explo­sives through­out the dis­trict. An addi­tion­al insur­gent was also killed dur­ing the engage­ment, for a total of six insur­gents killed. 

One female civil­ian received non-life threat­en­ing injuries dur­ing the inci­dent. The secu­ri­ty force pro­vid­ed imme­di­ate med­ical care on the scene and trans­port­ed her to a med­ical facil­i­ty for rou­tine fol­low-up care. 

The Haqqani female fight­er is one of sev­er­al females who have attacked Afghan and coali­tion forces with­in recent months. There have been mul­ti­ple instances of armed females attack­ing secu­ri­ty forces and insur­gent groups using females as sui­cide bombers. 

In June, while con­duct­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion in Kunar province, an Afghan-led secu­ri­ty force was attacked by a female sui­cide bomber. The female, dressed in tra­di­tion­al attire, used her burqa to hide the bomb attached to her body. The female mil­i­tant det­o­nat­ed the explo­sive as she moved near the secu­ri­ty force, killing three Afghan interpreters. 

In late May, two Islam­ic Move­ment of Uzbek­istan female fight­ers, armed with assault rifles and pis­tols, fired at a com­bined secu­ri­ty force in Takhar province. The secu­ri­ty force returned fire, killing the insurgents. 

Addi­tion­al­ly, com­bined secu­ri­ty forces have received sev­er­al reports of insur­gents plan­ning to use female fight­ers in future attacks against Afghan gov­ern­ment offi­cials and com­bined secu­ri­ty forces. One of the planned attacks was to tar­get the Dand dis­trict gov­er­nor and Dand dis­trict center. 

In oth­er Afghanistan news yesterday: 

— A com­bined Afghan and coali­tion secu­ri­ty force killed sev­er­al insur­gents dur­ing an oper­a­tion in the Mar­jeh dis­trict of Hel­mand province. The force was search­ing for an insur­gent facil­i­ta­tor when a group of armed attack­ers engaged the force with small arms fire. The secu­ri­ty force returned fire, killing sev­er­al insur­gents. Fol­low­ing the exchange, mul­ti­ple attack­ers were detained by Afghan author­i­ties for fur­ther questioning. 

— Also in Mar­jeh, a com­bined Afghan and coali­tion force dis­cov­ered a weapons cache. The cache includ­ed six rock­et-pro­pelled grenades, 880 rounds of small arms ammu­ni­tion, and impro­vised explo­sive device mate­ri­als. The weapons and mate­ri­als were seized by the secu­ri­ty force and will be destroyed. 

— An Afghan-led secu­ri­ty force detained two sus­pect­ed insur­gents while search­ing for a Tal­iban facil­i­ta­tor in the Gho­rak dis­trict of Kan­da­har province. The Tal­iban facil­i­ta­tor is respon­si­ble for dis­trib­ut­ing illic­it goods and trans­port­ing mate­ri­als from Pak­istan to north­ern Hel­mand province. 

— A com­bined Afghan and coali­tion secu­ri­ty force detained one sus­pect insur­gent while search­ing for a Tal­iban leader in the Daman dis­trict of Kan­da­har province. The Tal­iban leader is respon­si­ble for sev­er­al attacks against the Afghan army. 

— An Afghan-led force detained two sus­pect­ed insur­gents dur­ing a secu­ri­ty oper­a­tion in the Sha­joy dis­trict of Zab­ul province. The force was search­ing for a Tal­iban leader respon­si­ble for road­side bomb attacks in the district. 

— In the Charkh dis­trict of Log­ar province, an Afghan-led force detained two sus­pects while search­ing for a Tal­iban leader. The leader is the Tal­iban-appoint­ed deputy gov­ern­ing offi­cial for oper­a­tions in the area and is respon­si­ble for attacks against Afghan secu­ri­ty forces. 

— In the Musa Kehl dis­trict of Khost province, an Afghan-led force detained sev­er­al sus­pects while search­ing for a Haqqani net­work leader. The Haqqani leader over­sees and sup­ports high-pro­file attacks in the area. 

— While search­ing for a Haqqani net­work leader in the Sabari dis­trict of Khost province, an Afghan-led secu­ri­ty force detained numer­ous sus­pect­ed insur­gents. The Haqqani leader directs fight­ers involved in road­side bomb attacks and is involved in the dis­tri­b­u­tion of weapons and explosives. 

Com­piled from Inter­na­tion­al Secu­ri­ty Assis­tance Force Joint Com­mand News Releases 

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