Chairman’s Corner: Happy Birthday Army!

WASHINGTON, June 14, 2011 — Days like today remind us of the cen­tral and essen­tial role of the Unit­ed States Army through­out our Nation’s his­to­ry. I believe that in many ways, the sto­ry of the Army is the sto­ry of Amer­i­ca — from our found­ing through the Civ­il War, a tumul­tuous 20th cen­tu­ry, right up to today.
I often talk about how the Army is the very cen­ter of grav­i­ty for our mil­i­tary — a force that under­stands the pow­er of bal­lots as well as bul­lets and cul­ture as well as con­flict.

It’s a force that is able to defeat an ene­my swift­ly and silent­ly one day and help build a school or dig a well the next — one that has made pos­si­ble the suc­cess we’ve seen in Iraq, the progress we are now mak­ing in Afghanistan and the secu­ri­ty we ensure around the globe. 

Tem­pered by ten years of war, the Army has trans­formed to deploy more mod­u­lar and flex­i­ble capa­bil­i­ties than ever before, lit­er­al­ly rewrit­ing just about every rule in the book and revamp­ing essen­tial doc­trine in order to adapt to the chal­lenges of today’s dynam­ic and uncer­tain world. 

But what impress­es me the most is the flesh and blood of the Army — the extra­or­di­nary young men and women who signed up will­ing­ly to risk their lives for some­thing greater than them­selves. One of my great­est priv­i­leges over the last four years has been get­ting to know them and their fam­i­lies. I am sim­ply awestruck at the man­ner in which they do their duty every sin­gle day. 

To every Army sol­dier and civil­ian, fam­i­ly mem­ber and vet­er­an, thank you for your ser­vice. I salute each of you for the dif­fer­ence you make for our Nation and for the world. 

On behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hap­py 236th Birthday! 

U.S. Depart­ment of Defense
Office of the Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Defense (Pub­lic Affairs) 

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