Canada — Project LAND 121

Project LAND 121 seeks to deliv­er a net­worked and inte­grat­ed capa­bil­i­ty as a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the mod­erni­sa­tion of the land forces. The new vehi­cles rep­re­sent a sig­nif­i­cant increase in capa­bil­i­ty, replac­ing mul­ti­ple vehi­cle fleets that have been in ser­vice since the ear­ly 1980s. 


Project LAND 121 is a mul­ti-phase project deliv­er­ing field vehi­cles, mod­ules and trail­ers, as well as through life sup­port, with greater ver­sa­til­i­ty and lifes­pan than the assets cur­rent­ly in ser­vice. In enhanc­ing this capa­bil­i­ty, Army will be pro­vid­ing the back­bone of mobil­i­ty sys­tems for the future land force. 

In total, LAND 121 seeks to deliv­er around 7,500 pro­tect­ed and unpro­tect­ed vehi­cles across the range of light, light­weight, medi­um and heavy fleet seg­ments, includ­ing cur­rent and future phas­es. In addi­tion, each cat­e­go­ry will pro­vide trail­ers to enhance pay­load-car­ry­ing capa­bil­i­ty and mod­ules to enable spe­cial­ist functions. 

The Phase 3A light­weight and light capa­bil­i­ty will deliv­er eight mis­sion sys­tem vari­ants includ­ing a range of spe­cial­ist mod­ules such as canine, ambu­lance, sur­veil­lance and mobile com­mand posts, and two trail­er vari­ants. Along with those vehi­cles being acquired by LAND 121 Phase 4, these vehi­cles and trail­ers will replace the cur­rent Land Rover 4x4 and 6x6 vehi­cle fleets which have been in use by the Aus­tralian Defence Force since the mid-1980s. 

LAND 121 Phase 3B will acquire up to 2,695 medi­um and heavy vehi­cles along with asso­ci­at­ed mod­ules and approx­i­mate­ly 2,200 trail­ers. The Phase 3B fleet will include both pro­tect­ed vehi­cles (for oper­a­tional deploy­ment and tac­ti­cal train­ing) and unpro­tect­ed vehi­cles (pri­mar­i­ly for tac­ti­cal train­ing). This acqui­si­tion rep­re­sents the entire pro­tect­ed and deploy­able medi­um and heavy require­ment, and more than half of the unpro­tect­ed tac­ti­cal train­ing require­ment. These vehi­cles will enhance per­for­mance and pro­tec­tion, and the Army’s train­ing and logis­tic sup­port capa­bil­i­ty, by pro­vid­ing uni­for­mi­ty through­out the fleet. These vehi­cles will replace the cur­rent fleet of Uni­mog, Mack and S‑Liner trucks. 

The Pro­tect­ed Mobil­i­ty Vehi­cle (PMV) — Light capa­bil­i­ty, Phase 4, will pro­vide a fleet of around 1300 PMVs and asso­ci­at­ed trail­ers for com­mand, liai­son, util­i­ty and recon­nais­sance roles. These vehi­cles will pro­vide a pro­tect­ed replace­ment for around one third of the Land Rover fleet, afford­ing increased force pro­tec­tion in oper­a­tional environments. 

Phase 5B is cur­rent­ly unap­proved, but is planned to deliv­er the remain­ing unpro­tect­ed medi­um and heavy vehi­cles for tac­ti­cal training. 

Over­all, Project LAND 121 seeks to deliv­er a net­worked and inte­grat­ed capa­bil­i­ty as a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the mod­erni­sa­tion of the land forces. Ongo­ing coop­er­a­tion with a num­ber of projects deliv­er­ing Com­mand, Con­trol, Com­mu­ni­ca­tion, Com­put­ing and Intel­li­gence (C4I) and force pro­tec­tion solu­tions will see the deliv­ery of vehi­cles with a gen­er­a­tional advance­ment on cur­rent fleet technology. 

Depart­ment of Nation­al Defence, Canada 

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