Boeing F‑15 Silent Eagle Demonstrator Makes 1st Flight

ST. LOUIS — The Boe­ing Com­pa­ny [NYSE: BA] Silent Eagle flight demon­stra­tor air­craft F‑15E1 com­plet­ed a suc­cess­ful first flight on July 8 from Lam­bert St. Louis Inter­na­tion­al Air­port. Dur­ing the 80-minute flight, F‑15E1 opened and closed its left-side Con­for­mal Weapons Bay, which con­tained an AIM-120 Instru­ment­ed Test Vehi­cle (ITV) mis­sile. The ITV was not launched.

F-15 Silent Eagle Demonstrator
F-15 Silent Eagle Demonstrator
Silent Eagle flight demon­stra­tor air­craft F‑15E1
Source: Boe­ing Com­pa­ny
Click to enlarge

“The Silent Eagle demon­stra­tion flight val­i­dat­ed our ini­tial engi­neer­ing design approach,” said Boe­ing F‑15 Devel­op­ment Pro­grams Direc­tor Brad Jones. “Our intent was to ver­i­fy all sys­tems are oper­a­tional in a flight envi­ron­ment. This flaw­less flight allows us to move into the next phase. In the next cou­ple of weeks, we will fer­ry F‑15E1 to the test range and launch an AIM-120.” 

“Every­thing about the flight went accord­ing to plan,” said Boe­ing F‑15 Chief Test Pilot Dan Draeger. “We saw noth­ing unusu­al dur­ing the flight, and we cleared the desired flight enve­lope need­ed to fire the mis­sile at the test range; that is pret­ty much unheard of on a first flight.” 

The Silent Eagle is an inno­v­a­tive design solu­tion devel­oped in response to inter­na­tion­al cus­tomer require­ments for a cost-effec­tive, high-per­for­mance fight­er air­craft to defend against future threats. The F‑15SE offers unique aero­dy­nam­ic, avion­ic and Radar Cross Sec­tion reduc­tion fea­tures that pro­vide the user with max­i­mum flex­i­bil­i­ty to dom­i­nate the ever-chang­ing advanced threat envi­ron­ment. The aircraft’s Con­for­mal Weapons Bays can car­ry a vari­ety of air-to-air mis­siles and air-to-ground weapons. 

# # #

Patri­cia Frost
F‑15 Com­mu­ni­ca­tions
Office: 314–234-6996
Mobile: 314–705-0895

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