Boeing and Northrop Grumman GMD Team Receives Contract From US Missile Defense Agency

  • Her­itage Ground-Based Mid­course Defense Team to Con­tin­ue Unprece­dent­ed Sys­tem Support
  • Unmatched Expe­ri­ence and Know-How to Ensure Inno­va­tion and Oper­a­tional Readiness

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — The Boe­ing Com­pa­ny (NYSE:BA) and indus­try part­ner Northrop Grum­man Cor­po­ra­tion (NYSE:NOC) have received the devel­op­ment and sus­tain­ment con­tract (DSC) from the U.S. Mis­sile Defense Agency for future work on the Ground-based Mid­course Defense (GMD) ele­ment of the Unit­ed States’ bal­lis­tic mis­sile defense sys­tem.

“Today’s award is the cul­mi­na­tion of a two-year pro­pos­al process that brought togeth­er a broad indus­try group com­mit­ted to deliv­er­ing inno­v­a­tive solu­tions and a cost-effec­tive approach to pro­gram man­age­ment and exe­cu­tion,” said Den­nis Muilen­burg, pres­i­dent and CEO of Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty. “We are priv­i­leged to have been part­ners with the Mis­sile Defense Agency through devel­op­ment and deploy­ment of the GMD sys­tem, and now with Northrop Grum­man, we are hon­ored to con­tin­ue that part­ner­ship in this next phase of the program.” 

Under the DSC, Boe­ing will con­tin­ue to lead the indus­try team for GMD devel­op­ment, inte­gra­tion, test­ing, oper­a­tions and sus­tain­ment activ­i­ties, build­ing on the company’s expe­ri­ence of sup­port­ing the Mis­sile Defense Agency as prime con­trac­tor for the pro­gram since 2001. As strate­gic part­ner, Northrop Grum­man will over­see the ground sys­tem ele­ments, as well as pro­vide key sup­port in oper­a­tions and sus­tain­ment, sys­tem engi­neer­ing and sys­tem test. 

“The DSC ush­ers in a new era for the GMD pro­gram, and our part­ner­ship with Boe­ing brings togeth­er the very best minds in the indus­try for this nation­al secu­ri­ty capa­bil­i­ty,” said Wes Bush, chair­man, CEO and pres­i­dent, Northrop Grum­man. “By com­bin­ing Northrop Grumman’s 50-year expe­ri­ence and suc­cess on the nation’s Min­ute­man ICBM pro­gram with Boeing’s her­itage GMD lead­er­ship, we pro­vide the opti­mum mix of inte­grat­ed devel­op­ment and sus­tain­ment capa­bil­i­ties for a sys­tem that demands noth­ing less.” 

The Boe­ing-led team cur­rent­ly oper­ates and sus­tains the deployed GMD weapon sys­tem while devel­op­ing and test­ing new tech­nolo­gies to pro­vide increased reli­a­bil­i­ty and to meet evolv­ing cus­tomer needs and require­ments. Northrop Grum­man has been part of the team since 1998, respon­si­ble for design­ing and deploy­ing the com­mand-and-con­trol sys­tems that form the back­bone of the GMD ground system. 

“In select­ing the Boe­ing and Northrop Grum­man GMD team, the Mis­sile Defense Agency retains the knowl­edge, skill and exper­tise of the world-class men and women who devel­oped this one-of-a-kind sys­tem – the only indus­try team capa­ble of afford­able inno­va­tion for GMD’s future,” said Norm Tew, Boe­ing vice pres­i­dent and pro­gram direc­tor of GMD. “We believe the gov­ern­ment con­duct­ed a fair and open com­pe­ti­tion, mak­ing the right deci­sion for the future of the program.” 

An inte­gral ele­ment of the Glob­al Bal­lis­tic Mis­sile Defense Sys­tem, GMD uses radars, oth­er sen­sors, com­mand-and-con­trol facil­i­ties, com­mu­ni­ca­tions ter­mi­nals and a 20,000-mile fiber optic com­mu­ni­ca­tions net­work. There are more than 20 oper­a­tional inter­cep­tors at Van­den­berg Air Force Base, Calif., and Fort Greely, Alas­ka, to defend the Unit­ed States against long-range bal­lis­tic mis­sile threats. 

Northrop Grum­man is a lead­ing glob­al secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny pro­vid­ing inno­v­a­tive sys­tems, prod­ucts and solu­tions in aero­space, elec­tron­ics, infor­ma­tion sys­tems, and tech­ni­cal ser­vices to gov­ern­ment and com­mer­cial cus­tomers world­wide. Please vis­it for more information. 

Boe­ing is the largest aero­space com­pa­ny in Alaba­ma and one of the state’s largest employ­ers. Cur­rent com­pa­ny oper­a­tions in Huntsville include the Ground-based Mid­course Defense pro­gram and oth­er mis­sile defense work, includ­ing the Stan­dard Missile‑3 Block IIB pro­gram, the Arrow sys­tem and the Patri­ot Advanced Capability‑3 seek­er, as well as sup­port of Space Explo­ration Launch Sys­tems, the Inter­na­tion­al Space Sta­tion, Army Inte­grat­ed Logis­tics, and engi­neer­ing sup­port for com­mer­cial and com­mer­cial-deriv­a­tive airplanes. 

A unit of The Boe­ing Com­pa­ny, Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty is one of the world’s largest defense, space and secu­ri­ty busi­ness­es spe­cial­iz­ing in inno­v­a­tive and capa­bil­i­ties-dri­ven cus­tomer solu­tions, and the world’s largest and most ver­sa­tile man­u­fac­tur­er of mil­i­tary air­craft. Head­quar­tered in St. Louis, Boe­ing Defense, Space & Secu­ri­ty is a $32 bil­lion busi­ness with 63,000 employ­ees world­wide. Fol­low us on Twit­ter: @BoeingDefense.

Jes­si­ca M. Carl­ton
Boe­ing Strate­gic Mis­sile & Defense Sys­tems
Office: 256–461-5124
Mobile: 256–603-7137

Scott Day
Boe­ing Strate­gic Mis­sile & Defense Sys­tems
Office: 703–872-4206
Mobile: 703–403-3083

Sudi Bruni
Northrop Grum­man Infor­ma­tion Sys­tems
Office: 858–592-3407
Mobile: 858–337-3779


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